Relapsed After 50 Days!!!!

Things were going well for me. UNTIL I found out that while I was in custody for 2 1/2 weeks and then residential for another week and a half, my fiance spent a good amount of time with a fellow recovery person. They drove to meetings together. He needed help picking up the extra car from the shop and called on her for assistance and after I caught wind of these things, I checked his phone log. Low and behold, there were plenty of lengthly phone calls to her. He says they are just friends and that he doesn't talk to her anymore. I pointed out that if it were just a friendship, he would not have stopped talking to her just because I am back around. He disagrees but I am not so sure. I took 4 vicodin all at the same time. I am kicking myself today. I really want to believe him that he was just hurt and they are friends but better judgement tells me this isn't so.
What do you guys think?
First I want to say Hello and welcome. Keeping the focus on someone else keeps the focus off of what is probably best and that is YOU and YOUR RECOVERY. Dust yourself off and get back into the recovery mode. I was told when I start thinking about what my husband is doing and start telling everyone what HE IS DOING, I need to stop making it about HIM and worry about ME and what I am doing. Go to meetings, stay clean for a while and then worry about what you will do with your relationship. I wouldn't suggest gettting married until you get some clean time under your belt. The person you thought you knew while you were using may not be the person you love when you are straight. Good Luck. Dawn
Hi Itz,

Usually I don't post over on this part of the board.....hope it's O.K. to reply....Dawn gave ya excellent advice.

You LAPSED not RELAPSED.......try not to beat yourself up......the thing is that was just a lesson....well I think allow ya to see why you have EMOTIONAL do four Vic' you know what's going on and why ya used and you learned from it.

As far as your gentleman friend......fiance......I agree that worrying about what he's doing is going to set you up for some more Vicodin.........not sure but it sounds like he's in recovery and you said this woman is in recovery.......well right there........picking up a car or whatever............hey, relationships are difficult enough without addiction going on.

Be nice to you, itz..........carry on.........50 dang days is awesome......keep going and don't let ANYTHING have ya picking up......take care.