i've been moderately abusing lortabs 10/500 daily for a few months now.. never more than ten or twelve a day. i'm ready to make a break and just wonder what to expect as far as wd's and depression... today is my first day off and my head is cloudy and i can barely keep my eyes open.. cold turkey feels like the way to go, and based on what i've been reading on this board, my intake is baby-stuff....any advice would be greatly appreciated...thank you in advance.
Welcome Sick..I am not sure about the w/d's with Lortab..but someone will be along soon that knows more than me..You'll probably have flu symptoms,,achy, tired, diahreah, nausea, etc..get some cold pills, immodium, vitamin b-12, and drink tons of oj..hot baths are gonna be your best friend too..Good luck, and keep posting, this is a wonderful place, and a big help!! Big hugs to ya, Kim
Try to get as much exercise as possible, someone told me along time ago to just take a walk around the block or something like that, it worked wonders. Hot baths help alot as well, I drank warm milk to help me fall asleep, it worked ok. I also took advil and vitamins, B-100s, still do actually.
Good luck
Best Regards,
Good luck
Best Regards,
i dont believe in modertly abusing, once you cross the line trouble usually happens. compared to what i have heard on the boards i didnt think i had a huge problem, however when i stopped taking them i knew i was the same as everyone struggling. 10 plus pills a day is alot and i definitely went thru wds, it lasted about 6 days and i began to come out of it. getting clean is one thing staying clean is another, i had to cancel refills and go to na meetings and understand that i didnt have the option anymore to take pills. this is very doable and you can get thru this. we are all here for you
take care
take care
The worst of the physical w/d off hydro was over for me by Day 4, with lingering sleep problems. What helped me:
Lots of water to stay hydrated
TheraFlu / Comtrex & Motrin for flu-like symptoms
Immodium A-D for the runs and stomach cramping
Hot showers / baths
Sleepytime Tea / Chamomille (or something similar) for relaxation
Walk, walk, walk, walk (for restless leg syndrome)
Multi-vitamins, especially a B-Complex vitamin and/or B-12
I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but these helped. Good for you for making the decision to get off the merry-go-round. My only other suggestion, for now, would be to cut off your sources -- docs, online pharms, etc. Eliminate the temptation. Hang in, and let us know how you're doing.
Lots of water to stay hydrated
TheraFlu / Comtrex & Motrin for flu-like symptoms
Immodium A-D for the runs and stomach cramping
Hot showers / baths
Sleepytime Tea / Chamomille (or something similar) for relaxation
Walk, walk, walk, walk (for restless leg syndrome)
Multi-vitamins, especially a B-Complex vitamin and/or B-12
I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but these helped. Good for you for making the decision to get off the merry-go-round. My only other suggestion, for now, would be to cut off your sources -- docs, online pharms, etc. Eliminate the temptation. Hang in, and let us know how you're doing.
If all you want to do is sleep right now, consider yourself lucky LOL. Most people going through hydrocodone withdrawal don't sleep for weeks....
If your body wants to stay in bed and you can, then it would be best for you to do just that. If you're sleepy, sleep because it WILL make your recovery go more smoothly.
None & Tom gave you excellent advice - walk or ride your bike slowly a few times a day.... You won't want to, you won't feel like it, but it helps soooo much.
For restless legs, take magnesium capsules, one potassium tablet, & some motrin (it has taken me since last Sept to get this formula right).
As others have said, the rest is like having the flu.... Keep yourself hydrated, take over the counter meds, & keep telling yourself "It will be over soon."
If your body wants to stay in bed and you can, then it would be best for you to do just that. If you're sleepy, sleep because it WILL make your recovery go more smoothly.
None & Tom gave you excellent advice - walk or ride your bike slowly a few times a day.... You won't want to, you won't feel like it, but it helps soooo much.
For restless legs, take magnesium capsules, one potassium tablet, & some motrin (it has taken me since last Sept to get this formula right).
As others have said, the rest is like having the flu.... Keep yourself hydrated, take over the counter meds, & keep telling yourself "It will be over soon."
good luck to you!!! i have detox at home nov. thur dec. the worst was over in a wekk and a half.But ,Depresion and mood swing and weaken will be there for awhile .I was so tried and mood swings even after 2 months.I failed because of my weakness.Please dont think i will just take one and feel good just for today.I did that just to get some shopping done.Worst mistake i could of be out of this hell by now.Good luck dont give up....
they're talking about vicodins on stern right now...
last night wasn't too bad, super tired and fluish, i can take that...
today i feel really weak and bitchy, head cloudy and fluish again....
thanks to everyone for encouragement!!!!
last night wasn't too bad, super tired and fluish, i can take that...
today i feel really weak and bitchy, head cloudy and fluish again....
thanks to everyone for encouragement!!!!