Restless Legs, Etc...

Does anyone remember when the restless legs stop, if ever? I've been off lortab for 5 days, and the wd's weren't bad except for restless legs and trouble sleeping. I also have fibromyalgia, could the leg thing be part of that, and the lortab has just been covering it up? Help!

Hey Betsy, I just sent you an email!
Ther RSL was one of the worst symptoms for me. OMG! I seem to remember it well into my second week. There is that new drug out now for it, not sure if it is applicable to RSL caused by withdrawl, though, but might be worth a try!
Please, if you have 5 days behind you, keep it up! The worse for you should about be over after that long! Don't get anymore vicodan!

Wow, two of my most favorite girls on the same thread. First off I love ya both and will never forget the help you gave me when I was about to give up. I didn't see any way out and had resigned to the fact that I would be taking pain pills until the day I died,,,,,and the way I was going it wouldn't have been long. There are others here who helped me so much and you know who you are.

Betsy,,,,pretty lady,,, Remember,,,, thats what I called you for ovious reasons. OK, the leg thing is a b**** and it was one of the worst things I went through. Like Carol said it will go away. Took me about 6 to 8 days but it did get better every day. I'm so glad you came back. the board needs you and I'm thinkin you may need the board right now as well..

My love to both of you

Hi AM,
Yeah, the RLS is horrid. They gave me requip in detox, didnt work, its one of the worst side affects of w/d's, from my recollection. I couldn't stop moving them, it was bizarre. I noticed others doing the same thing, moving their legs, up,down, constantly~
I hope it gets better for you!
Keep up the good work!
Lucky :)
Try a magensium supplement
Thanks everyone! I will head to my local Walgreens for the magnesium for restless legs, and B12 for energy!
I also wrapped heating pads around them at night so I could sleep. It worked for me.

Hey Frank! Great to see you! Don't be such a stranger, you are missed.
Ditto Carol's message to Frank- I promise to post more if you will!