
Good luck to you today at your appt. I know how much you have been looking forward to this day and it is finally here. Let us know how it goes. Shantel
Thinking of you today Rhonda. Hope everything goes well.

Love, Becky
Good mornin' Ladies,

I don't think Rhonda would mind if I updated you for her today. She's on her way to her appt. right now so she's not available to post. She's got quite a distance to drive to get to the doc but I have her cell number and I've promised to keep her company as much as I can while she's on the road. She's anxious but I know she's going to be just fine. I can't wait to hear how it goes and if it's ok with her, I'll post to you all and keep you updated.

See ya!

Thanks Callie:

Tell her we are thinking of her.

Love, Becky
Hey Becky Jean!

Spoke with Rhonda after her appt. They only do inductions on Mon. and Wed. so she has to wait til Monday but she's fine. I'll let her tell you the rest but I didn't know if she'd have time to post tonight and I knew you were waiting to hear. Hope you're doing well tonight.

I just got home from the addiction specialist a couple hours ago. Things went pretty well. Callie talked to me most of the way up there and most of the way home. It's a 4 hour drive round trip. She really helped keep me calm. I start the sub Monday morn at 6:30 am. The only thing is that I will have to drive to Little Rock every day for 6 days to get my dose at the clinic. They will let me take home Sunday's dose on Saturday. Then I only have to go once a week for therapy and my sub prescription. It's gona take alot of gas, but I don't care I just want that pill counting cycle to end. I know I am going to be o.k. b/c of all the support i'm getting from the board. Like I said before I've never had that kind of support and It is making a big difference already in my recovery. Just 3 weeks ago I wouldn't even tell my husband I had relasped and b/c of support and stern encouragement from most on the board I've told him and had my first sub thearapy consultation. I am so glad on that day when i was feeling my lowest I found this recovery board. I truly believe it is saving my life. I feel in my heart that I am going to be able to do it this time b/c of the sub, the therapy that I never believed I would ever do, and the support I found from you guys! Now, my main fear is getting thru the opiate free withdrawal period, but I know I can do that too. I want to get clean way too bad to mess this up! I have a great doctor whom I just met today, and he knows his stuff.

Anyway, I wanted to let all of you that cared and inquired bout me today that I am O.k. and my appointment went well. Thanks to all of you that have encouraged and supported me to do the right thing and get off these pills and stop killing myself!!
I just told him that i couldn't worry bout his addiction right now while I'm getting well and I'll discuss it further when I'm better.

hi rhonda, i just wanted to comment on something you had posted above, this is something i learned in NA:
dont ever think you have to worry about his addiction for it is his problem and not yours.
you have enough to worry about concerning your addiction.
just thought i would comment in hopes of offering you a good suggestion for i spent much of my life trying to "fix" others.
great job on the wonderful progress you have made!!!
why is it that you have to drive everyday to get your dose of sub?
cant you get a script for you to be able to take the sub at home?
sub will stop the pill popping dead in its tracks, but it is a tool to be used with meetings, therapy and the 12 steps of recovery living.
i am still on sub after one year, never thought i would ever get this far.
it feels good to be making progress! I am so happy for you! jewels
Jewels....I'm not really sure why except that for the first week they want to monitor me when i take the sub and prob make sure i don't try to abuse it. Doctor said after that if I pass thier "test" then i will get a script once a week when i go for therapy and can do the sub at home. I will have one on one therapy and group sessions after my first week. I'm so glad of that being part of their program. That's the main reason I believe quitting this time is going to work for me b/c i never seeked outside help or therapy to help me deal with my addiction. thanks for the support and the nice things you said. I agree i can't "fix" hubby, i just want to get better and I can't worry about him right now.
Oh, and congrats on the one year. I'm so happy for you!
ok, thanks for explaining,that makes sense, seems like alot of driving, huh?
it is worth it.
arent you glad you found this forum? it has saved my life as well. love jewels
Jewels...........Yes I am so glad I found this forum. i truly believe it is what is going to save my life. I would have never seeked outside help especially therapy. I thought i didn't need therapy and I could handle it on my own. That's definately an addict thinking!! I am actually looking forward to the therapy now. It will be alot of driving for 6 days, but it will be worth it. They wiil let me take Sunday's dose home on Saturday b/c they are closed on Sun. But after that it will just be once a week. i feel pretty good bout things and what I'm going to have to do. Callie has been holding my hand every step of the way and has been a tremendous help to me. Thanks everybody for your continued support!
Hey Ronnie Girl!

I'm just checking in here for a few minutes before I have to start getting ready to go over town to the birthday party. How you doin' today? It's one o'clock out there...do you have time for a phone call before I leave? I promise...it won't be an hour and a half this time!

Yes. let me find my cell phone real quick. Won't take but a sec
And by the way, i love your calls! I kept you on just as long as you kept me on last night LOL!!!
HI Rhonda!

"Nothing to fear except fear itself". I love that quote. Thank your lucky stars women that you found a Doctor that isn't willing to just write that script and send you on your way. I know it may seem like alot of work and it is but it is test to your commitment to getting clean. Remember you have to work just as hard if not harder at getting clean than you did to obtain you and do your DOC. I am so so happy that you found a real Addiction Doctor that is insisting you do it her/his way...not yours...we all know that that just didn't work out so well. As is the case with all of us. Congrats! I know my Doc wouldn't allow me to even drive the 3 days...wanted to make sure that I was okay....I cheated though....I was okay to drive after the first day and my Doc was real close.

Is it possible to stay out there for the week? Just a suggestion...maybe you can get a nice little hotel and relax and concentrate on you...you so deserve it.

The w/d won't kill you and while uncomfortable its not going to be anything you cant handle. The physical garbage is tough to take but for me it was the mental garbage that always kept me relapsing. To me that is the biggest benefit of this medicine. I also was inducted on a Monday....took my last pill at 4:00pm on Sunday...went to bed at the usual time and slept good until 6am....woke up wanting my fix but was not in agony....I wish I would have slept longer. My appointment was at 8 and I was tweaking good bye 9:30 and by 10 is when I took my first 2mg. So if you can try to plan it like that so you can sleep through most like you would do normally it makes it easier.

Good luck sweety...so many are pulling for you!!
Thanks Kee kee.......You are so right by saying "my way" didn't work so I have to do it His way now. When he told me bout coming eveyday, I didn't hesitate to tell him that I would do whatever it took or was asked of me to get better and I truly mean that. My way has put me in this horrible position once again and i want to get clean soooo bad so i will follow whatever is asked of me! Again thank you for your support!

Oh, and my appointment is at 6:30 a.m. so I'm so thankful for that.
Hey Rhonda:

You are so close - you are there - don't beat yourself up - we have all
relapsed probaby 50 times - this time is IT for you.

It's going to work - You will be FREE from the constant counting,
I remember those days so well, I hated counting pills over and over.

In the morning, turn up the radio and sing out loud and you will get there.


You are a doll, an Angel, for helping Rhonda and you make me feel better after reading your posts. You are an uplifting person.

I can't wait for the good news tomorrow.

Much Love,
Becky Jean
Thanks Becky......I'm hanging in there barely, but I'm not going to mess this up this time. Just gotta get to in the morn. and I know feeling better is just the start of this recovery, but boy am i ready for that!
your right callie..........is a beautiful person..............

you have a good heart callie...................


Yes Callie does have a big heart. She is geniune and really cares bout helping people!
Awwwwe, thanks guys. That makes me feel great but I'm no different from any of the rest of you. You all reach out and help others every day. If it hadn't been for some of you here, I'd not be where I am right now. I'm just keeping the home fires burning for those coming in from the cold behind me. That's all.

Love you all,


Where the heck have you been Thumps?