I couldn't reply to you as that thread was closed.
You can ask me anything at any time here.
Yep, with the Paxil........and I have to state this is just me.......and alot of other people I know as well though..........lightheaded yes......when you missed your pill........kind of like you're in a submarine.......also you may notice your gait is off some......you kind of trip over your own feet.
From what I have seen personally and this is with three other people.......you do great for about a year...........and after the year is up.......all heck breaks loose.
Not sure why and how the brain chemistry works with it, but around the 10 months to a year mark.
When I was taking Paxil that was the only thing I was on........although I relapsed and started doing heroin about six months into taking it.......those other close friends that were on it never did drugs.......and had the same experiences.
Hopefully I'm not being instrumental in having you fear it, but kicking it is tough....and I'm a heroin addict so there that goes........NO WAY can you just stop it......you have to wean.........definately......my one friend just stopped all together.........and it was nasty.
The foggy head is one thing........emotions are just wil
Thanks Bryn.......I'm a little slow.......when you said you do great for a year then all heck breaks loose..........did you mean do great for a year on paxil or after you stop?
Yes.....the submarine description fits.............If I had known that it was hard to stop taking I never would have started it. That really ticks me off! The doctor should have told me that. I don't want another bad habit. I'm going talk to my dr. and start weaning off of them!
Thanks for the info!
Yes.....the submarine description fits.............If I had known that it was hard to stop taking I never would have started it. That really ticks me off! The doctor should have told me that. I don't want another bad habit. I'm going talk to my dr. and start weaning off of them!
Thanks for the info!
Sorry about that RKT.....I'm not known for my brevaity and then after all that I wasn't clear.
It seems the people I know who took Paxil and for myself and what I've read on forums that you do great ON IT for about a year.....and then somehow I guess our body or brain I should say gets used to that seratonin re-uptake.....and what or how it happens I am not sure, but it stops.........and the anxiety comes back, but only worse.........one of those the cure is worse than the disease.
Best of luck with your Doctor........my general practicioner gave me mine......and told me it was non habit forming.......not addictive.........that was several years ago so maybe he didn't know........OR maybe he was writing it for every soul came in saying they had anxiety? Maybe not, but ya never know.
Hopefully I didn't sway you if you need it, but I hear ya........Heaven help me, but I remember thinking "Man, this is a pain to kick and I didn't even get high from it"........hey, I have to be honest.........and I'm thinking the less time you've taken it perhaps it won't be so bad to kick.........oh and I was taking it before the time released ones came out.........then they switched me to that one of course.
Submarine is how we all described it........and maybe not but see if you catch yourself not falling or literally tripping over stuff, but your gait kind of changes.
My friend kept saying "Why are you dragging your feet" and I realized I'd get caught like on a rug or even the pavement........again just my experience.
Hang in there, and better to be armed with some knowledge although I doubt the Doctor will come out and say "Oh yes, you are right".
Hope your mom is doing better too today.
It seems the people I know who took Paxil and for myself and what I've read on forums that you do great ON IT for about a year.....and then somehow I guess our body or brain I should say gets used to that seratonin re-uptake.....and what or how it happens I am not sure, but it stops.........and the anxiety comes back, but only worse.........one of those the cure is worse than the disease.
Best of luck with your Doctor........my general practicioner gave me mine......and told me it was non habit forming.......not addictive.........that was several years ago so maybe he didn't know........OR maybe he was writing it for every soul came in saying they had anxiety? Maybe not, but ya never know.
Hopefully I didn't sway you if you need it, but I hear ya........Heaven help me, but I remember thinking "Man, this is a pain to kick and I didn't even get high from it"........hey, I have to be honest.........and I'm thinking the less time you've taken it perhaps it won't be so bad to kick.........oh and I was taking it before the time released ones came out.........then they switched me to that one of course.
Submarine is how we all described it........and maybe not but see if you catch yourself not falling or literally tripping over stuff, but your gait kind of changes.
My friend kept saying "Why are you dragging your feet" and I realized I'd get caught like on a rug or even the pavement........again just my experience.
Hang in there, and better to be armed with some knowledge although I doubt the Doctor will come out and say "Oh yes, you are right".
Hope your mom is doing better too today.