
Hi Rocco and everyone else.
Its been so long since I've been on here. I have to get a new computer, mine finally had it, and I haven't been able to get another one yet, so I'm using the girl that I babysit for's computer.
Rocco, I've been reading posts and remember when that happened to you, when you got the oxy's and got hurt so bad. Thats what mainly prompted me to post. I'm so glad thats behind you. That would be nice to be able to get in touch with Brad.
Stacy, Danny, Cowgirl (whats with the horses? Did you break down and get a couple more?) and everyone else, I've really missed you guys alot.
As for me, my foot never healed right and my knee continues to get worse. I found another doctor, mine kept pushing for the knee surgery and after the foot surgery, which was nearly two years ago and still not right, I'm not gonna jump into anything bigger than that. My new doctor agrees with me. We have a good relationship. I poured my heart out to him about my addiction issues with the pills, etc. and he is familiar with it because his knees are bad and he got hooked on pills himself and took a leave of absence to get it together.
He's very understanding, I am still on meds, but at first, I'd come to get my script every week, then 2 weeks, up to a month. Now that I have them a month at a time, my neighbor holds them for me and I go over there every day to get my supply for that day. Its working out well, I just wish I didn't need tham at all. Even tho it seems like I have it under control, I know that if I had my bottle for myself for a month without someone holding them, that would be all she wrote. I know myself too well I guess.
I took a job babysitting for a school teacher friend of mine for the year, its almost over, and then I'm going to try for the ebay thing.
I'm at my friends computer until I get mine so I'll probably only post once today. I'll be here tomorrow tho to check in with you guys, in the meantime, know that I haven't forgotten you guys and I love ya all very much.
Anyone heard from Teresa, Bob, Gina or any of those guys? Whatever happened to April and Jeff? I'll be back on tomorrow and regurlarly after that. I've really missed everyone.
I read the post where you thought it was me. That was funny. Did that end up being a troll like Lisa said? She's always been good at reading people.
It is you!!! I wondered what happend to you! So good to see you honey. No, no new horses, yet. lol Been giving it some serious thought though lately. Hope you're able to stick around!