
Sorry if I offended you with my comments. I didnt mean any harm. Good luck with everything

This is very noble and dignified oft you apologize. I will apologize for what I had said about you. I now we are addicts and some of us tend to be judgmental, but man that is not the spiritual way, certainly if you practice an Eastern religion like I do.

Thanks Blah, read my last post about the "weed"
I had already done so, check out my response.

Reddog thats good, I am alright. but I think you posted to please the few that like me, but just maybe you mean it roger

Honey, i saw this coming...personally i think that redd thought long and hard about her words to you and really does feel bad......

Never look at an apology too hard...take it at face value and move on...its meant to free them...but forgiveness will free you too...

Im glad you two made up Roger.

Life is hard enough without enemies...

Wish i could give you a hug,

Alli I like you u join on my DOB Roger I thought dog was a Man

i remeber that about joining on your birthday!! Thats so cool.

I only recently found out Redd is a woman too.....lolol

Hugs to you sweet Roger

It's not nice to confuse addicts

Red is a man and that's who Roger is talking about.

Redd is a woman and wasn't involved in this thread.

ReD, how are you bud?

Oh my gosh...i had NO CLUE.

My face feels like its getting red right now.

im embarassed....

Im so sorry to all involved....

i wonder if anyone else got confused by the extra D too...

Holy sorry.....

Embarassed hug,


It's ok honey.. that's what the pills do to you. Just wait until you get that clear mind! It's wonderful!

Have a great night.

A girl! What im a 28 year old guy who is clean 30 days and doing very well. Roger i appologized and I meant it man,. I am a Church going good guy!!

Im also 30 days clean and got a A on my economics class, for grad school


im so sorry that i got confused...i think i had it right originally and then someone said redds a girl and I was thinking...WHAT???? boy have i been wrong....and now im wrong again...but okay got it now..


Now only if I can figure out which one of you said that they were confused by my posts, so i said i wouldnt post to them any more....lololol

Hope it wasnt you ReDDOG!!!!!

Roger...sorry to have gotten you confused too...


But Aliicap you knew i was a guy lol. Its ok i dont mind. I dont mind much these days. Im soo happy with being clean a month. You know that really is a long time. I must give some credit lol

How are you doing
Again congrats on thirty days. I have thirty day plus, I lost count after thirty days, because I was esctatic to make it that far. I am thirty-five year old woman, though at times I sound like I am twelve years old. I am writing a novel on my past experiences with bipolar. I am Bipolar, ADD and an Addict, what a f***ed-up bag. But I am happy I am free from those cursed pills. Good luck in school. I wanted to go to grad school, but thought I did not have the right temperament for it.

Lots of hugs,

LOLO...I KNOW i knew....but someone told me I was WRONG a couple od days ago....they said ALI!!!!!! REDD IS A GIRL....i saw the two DDs and thought they were just shortening your name....oh good grief...Im sure that my 4.5. pills taper will be blamed...but i swear i dont FEEL them...lolol Im just naturally easily confused...lolol

When in doubt...i blame it all on hormones..lolol

Anyway Im doing okay...not great but still on my taper and feeling strong about staying with it....bloody amazing.....

Congrats on your Test results!! You must be so you have 2 things to be proud of!!!!!!!!!!!

good for you Reddog!!!!


Thanks Alli and Blah. Alii when are you going to jump off the pills. 4,5 is good, I hope you get off after Christmas!