Russ Has 4 Months......

Hey Russ,
Congratulations on 4 months, good job.
Take care......................................God bless......................................Bob buddy, my friend. I am so incrediably proud of you and for how far you've come. You are an inspiration to all of us.

I'm sorry I missed you too this morning. Maybe tonight?

Love you bud..
Congratulations Russ! Four months is a wonderful achievement. You deserve all the good that life has to offer!

Well done Russ
I am happy for you and enjoy your balanced and caring posts
Hi Russ:

Congratulations on your four months. You are such an inspiration. Your love and knowledge shine through on your posts.

Dear Rus,
Hey there!!! Congratulations on your 4 monthes!!!! That is awesome. Time flies You are another miracle! take care of yourself and God bless

huggs, gina :)

To All of You.........

I am overwhelmed by the support and kindness I just read here! I just got home from work and was able to read the above posts.........You are all wonderful people and I thank you for being in my life!

God Bless............Big Hugs.........Rus
congrats on the four months!!!!!!!!!! Is your head getting any clearer? How about focusing?
Dear Kerry........

Funny you should mention that.........My head has become much more clearer but I still have to work on this procrastination thing.........It seems that I have become a bit too comfortable and lazy these past months for fear of getting out in the world more.........Staying home has become a safety net for me at times. After all it is not much fun to just go to work and come home and chill all the time..........Don't get me wrong I have been doing some things outside of the home and meetings, errands, some fun with friends........But I do find myself wasting too much time on the sofa become a couch potato :) When I first became clean I avoided many situations for fear of being tempted to use........Now I have to practice what I preach and get out in the world a bit more.......Does this make any sense to you? I thank you for your kind post.....I still can only do this one day at time..........

God Bless...............and Big Hugs..........Rus
Congratulations Russell -- I've enjoyed sharing the walk with you these past few months. I can relate to the tendency to retreat home -- I've been feeling that a lot too lately. M.
WAY TO GO RUS!!! i'm so proud of you. i hope the next 4 are even better.
the golden girls - one of my favorite is the one where sophia was telling dorothy about coming from sicily to america and seeing the statue of liberty for the first time.

dorothy said: "and you were amazed at seeing the statue of liberty for the first time, ma?",

sophia said,"i was amazed.i was amazed that women shaved under their armpits!".

rim shot!

hey pussycat -

ya know what's amazing? you! 4 months is too totally cool!

love ya -

sophia *wink wink*
Hi Russ,

I havent been posting, might be a little late, but I had to wish you a big CONGRATULATIONS on your four months!!! That is so awesome and couldnt happen to a greater person. You were one of the first people to reach out to help me when I first came to this site. Thank you for that. I am so very proud of you.
