Are you doing ok? Hows life.. Check in I am thinking of you.
You precious angel, Jane. Thanks so much for checking on me. FWIW, I'll have 90 days on the 22nd; yet it's today that counts. I've been learning all kind of behavioural changes that are beginning to work where the pain is concerned. For the most part, the pain levels still hover around a 6 or 7, but some good old common sense like rest heat/ice (whichever feels best), no driving, no sitting for more than 10 -15 mins at a time and no - I mean NO walking on department stores concrete. Good think I do most of my shopping online and/or send money as gifts. ;)
I just logged in here today and was going to post something that means a lot to me when I saw your message to me. This is not it, but everytime I see a message from you, I think of Leonard Cohen: "Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget your perfect offering.There is a crack in everything.That's how the light gets in."
The cracks are so evident in my essence, my friend, and thank God they are filling with light!
Hugs and Love ~
I just logged in here today and was going to post something that means a lot to me when I saw your message to me. This is not it, but everytime I see a message from you, I think of Leonard Cohen: "Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget your perfect offering.There is a crack in everything.That's how the light gets in."
The cracks are so evident in my essence, my friend, and thank God they are filling with light!
Hugs and Love ~
I printed out that "Ring the Bells" saying over a year ago and that ragged piece of paper is taped to the wall above my desk in front of me. This is the third house I've lived in since then.
I've lost lots of stuff but not that dog eared piece of paper.
I'm right behind you, Sammy. I'll have 90 days on the 30th of this month.
I printed out that "Ring the Bells" saying over a year ago and that ragged piece of paper is taped to the wall above my desk in front of me. This is the third house I've lived in since then.
I've lost lots of stuff but not that dog eared piece of paper.
I'm right behind you, Sammy. I'll have 90 days on the 30th of this month.
Sammy how are you?
WTF is going on? I have been a bit messed up lately (Latest procedure a minor one) PIA --polyps again. Bad asthma and have given up on another A/D this one was a pain in the arse had to wean off it. looking for a new shrink and therapist. AA makes me ill??
But?? a P.A meeting? --involved in some charity/political stuff etc. Disability helps--cobra etc.
Trying a new med for asthma if freak in insurance allows we will see---I know your in pain but what happened to you?
Praying for you
Do you have a E-mail addy? I lost my phone info.Will contact you this week if that works?
Geez hope your okay kiddo.
WTF is going on? I have been a bit messed up lately (Latest procedure a minor one) PIA --polyps again. Bad asthma and have given up on another A/D this one was a pain in the arse had to wean off it. looking for a new shrink and therapist. AA makes me ill??
But?? a P.A meeting? --involved in some charity/political stuff etc. Disability helps--cobra etc.
Trying a new med for asthma if freak in insurance allows we will see---I know your in pain but what happened to you?
Praying for you
Do you have a E-mail addy? I lost my phone info.Will contact you this week if that works?
Geez hope your okay kiddo.
Wish you would post more Sammy...your words here are so inspirational. 90 days is HUGE! Congrats. Can't believe that much time has already passed....xxoo
Congratulations Sammy! Ninety days is wonderful. I agree with Lisa. Bless us with your words of encouragement, spirituality, insight and (among so many other things but most of all) your kindness. You deserve to be happy and healthy and whole.
Sammy- Wonderful on the 90..but you have so much more than that. You are a strong beautiful woman in change. I have so much gushing things to say about you. I am glad your alive and kicken. It is also good to see you post and share your program with us. Hope you are feeling well and soldiering on. We are counting on you.
Love and Light to you Sammy,
I'm so proud of you for 90 days. It's all one day at a time. You've been through so much and you inspire us all.
I'd write more but my head is hurting so bad I need to lay down again.
giving some love your way
I'm so proud of you for 90 days. It's all one day at a time. You've been through so much and you inspire us all.
I'd write more but my head is hurting so bad I need to lay down again.
giving some love your way