Sarah/not Feeling Clever

Hi Sarah,

I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend. I haven't been on here much lately, so I missed exactly what happened, but I can feel your sorrow and that he meant alot to you. I am so sorry.

Do you mind if I get your e-mail addy from Lisa? There is something I'd like to talk to you about off board on grief. Your words have a huge impact on me.

Suffocating form his absence.

You get it Sarah, in a way that cuts to my inner core at times.

Thank you Sarah.


Of course you can get my email from Lisa. I would love for you to have it.

I have been missing seeing your posts...I don't get much time here either anymore. I have been indulging lately though. I needed some down time and to reconnect with safe space. I don't even judge or question why this forum brings me so much peace and comfort anymore, I am just thankful that it does.

Anyway, I think about you so often. I know that Miss Ava must have you completely busy, which is a good thing, but I always love seeing your posts.

So please, email me anytime. I look forward to it.


Sending it to Amy now....

I've always thought that you two should talk. You both are so loving and so giving, you need eachother now, more than ever.

Love you both

I love you too. I am so sorry this crap is going on right now. I know it is hurting you and if I could take that away right now I would.

I wish the world were different.

I hope you hang in there, and stay strong and lean on me as much as you need to. I am so grateful for all I have learned from you about recovery. Lisa, you taught me so much...and it wasn't sugar coated, and yes the truth stung, but it was the truth...

I have nothing but love and respect for you. And when I say that, I am not saying I do not care for those who are at odds with you...but I am saying I wish they were not being so mean-spirited about it. It is not right. You can not make right from wrong.

Obviously, it is hurting me too.

I love you Lisa. And I am sorry you have to go through this.

Things hurt us only if we allow it too. You have to consider the source of the unhappiness and then put it into perspective. Recovery has taught me how to do this. I'm not perfect and haven't perfected anything yet, and maybe never will, but I try every day to do better. I have so many people that hold me up and are in my back pocket, I count on people like you to keep me strong.

Your love and support is everything to me Sarah. You are so dear to me and others.

Maybe being an addict makes us more in tune to other's weakness's because they are so much like our own. But hopefully we can see our wrongs and try to make them right. You help me do that.

Love you