I just did a trade out with a local artist "Dan Fischer" of a vintage 1940's Jaguar.
He uses no brushstrokes.He uses pallet knives,kitchen knives,scissors,and lots of anger.
It's friggin awesome.Im doing a townhome patio with antique roses and gulf coast mully.
I will take a picture and psot it.I hope to see you around today.
I'm doing better.No sleep but God seems to be giving me some messages.
Sorry for butting in on your thread, but....
So glad to hear you are doing better.
Take care!
Also, we are discussing you gardening ideas on another thread, you have made the world more aphid free. Thanks
So glad to hear you are doing better.
Take care!
Also, we are discussing you gardening ideas on another thread, you have made the world more aphid free. Thanks
Thank You Gracie.Aphids are easy critters to kill.There is this organic product called Safer soap that is real effective.
Sarah...Here's the pic
Sarah...Here's the pic

Hello Tim,
I am so glad you are posting.
Doing art and gardening are wonderful ways to get your head in a good place. The world and the universe are amazeing, full of stuff we will never know or understand but sure want to. I watched the shuttle land today wishing I could go on just one of the missions. I don't have to go to church to know god, I see god every day. I see god in the flowers that show up from nowhere and the giant walnut tree in my front yard that could be 150 years old. I see god in the art human beings make. God gave we humans the knowledge to make the shuttle and to explore the universe. I love this stuff!!!!
I enjoy your art so much Tim, it is an honor that you share it with us.
I am so glad you are posting.
Doing art and gardening are wonderful ways to get your head in a good place. The world and the universe are amazeing, full of stuff we will never know or understand but sure want to. I watched the shuttle land today wishing I could go on just one of the missions. I don't have to go to church to know god, I see god every day. I see god in the flowers that show up from nowhere and the giant walnut tree in my front yard that could be 150 years old. I see god in the art human beings make. God gave we humans the knowledge to make the shuttle and to explore the universe. I love this stuff!!!!
I enjoy your art so much Tim, it is an honor that you share it with us.

One of my favorites.I have this hanging in my den.How about all those blues?
I respect artist.It's a hard way to make s buck.
I respect artist.It's a hard way to make s buck.

I love it!
I really like the Jag.
I don't know any artist that makes a living with their art. Art comes from a persons soul. It's good to have a "real job" that pays your pills, then you can make art at your heart's content. You don't have to sell a painting or sclupture to pay the rent.
I love it!
I really like the Jag.
I don't know any artist that makes a living with their art. Art comes from a persons soul. It's good to have a "real job" that pays your pills, then you can make art at your heart's content. You don't have to sell a painting or sclupture to pay the rent.
pays your pills? Lol. I know that was a typo but since it was on this board you have to laugh a little at it.
My art wouldn't pay for a trip to Taco Bell, lol, but it's a part of me. I look at the world as something to sketch. I can't help it. No matter what I see, I'm drawing it in my head. (if not on paper)
Is that a picture of you, Tim?
My art wouldn't pay for a trip to Taco Bell, lol, but it's a part of me. I look at the world as something to sketch. I can't help it. No matter what I see, I'm drawing it in my head. (if not on paper)
Is that a picture of you, Tim?
i am so glad to see you out a pic back up in your post ..............
God bless you.
i am thinking about you.
and i pray for you Tim.
i am so glad to see you out a pic back up in your post ..............
God bless you.
i am thinking about you.
and i pray for you Tim.
Thank You very much Thumper.You are everything I want to be some day.
Yes,that's me about 10 years ago in Rio.
My art wouldn't pay for a trip to Taco Bell, lol, but it's a part of me. I look at the world as something to sketch. I can't help it. No matter what I see, I'm drawing it in my head. (if not on paper) Is that a picture of you, Tim |
Yes,that's me about 10 years ago in Rio.

Sarah-This is layin on my bed.The guy uses 4 kinds of pallet knives.It's hard to tell unless yo get real close.
Sarah-Being from the "Down Easy" I'm sure you've had your fill of George Rodrigue[Blue Dog Man].......
Back in the late 1980's I had some clients here who owned Bonnies Seafood Restraunt on the Gulf Fwy.They were typical cajuns and had that "joie de vive" going on all the time.We were a perfect fit.I turned their restraunt and house into tropical gardens using antique garden statuary and lots of rod iron fixtures.On one of the last payments I agreed to trade out an artist proofs.I'm sur its tripled in value by now.
The lightings not the best but here it is:
Back in the late 1980's I had some clients here who owned Bonnies Seafood Restraunt on the Gulf Fwy.They were typical cajuns and had that "joie de vive" going on all the time.We were a perfect fit.I turned their restraunt and house into tropical gardens using antique garden statuary and lots of rod iron fixtures.On one of the last payments I agreed to trade out an artist proofs.I'm sur its tripled in value by now.
The lightings not the best but here it is:

Hey Surfer Boy ~
I just spend the last two months having my 54th year old birthday picture paintied in oils by the greatest painter in my city. So what do you think?

I always did have a thing for purple. It's so ethereal.
Hugs ~
I just spend the last two months having my 54th year old birthday picture paintied in oils by the greatest painter in my city. So what do you think?

I always did have a thing for purple. It's so ethereal.
Hugs ~
LMFAO/////////////////// if my insomnia doesn't have a break that will be me in a couple more nights.At least you look happy.
Hey Tim!
I am just logging on. Today was my first day without a cigarette and I have heart burn and insomnia! Go figure!
I love the painting with the palette knives...very nice. I knew a Belgian that painted that way...really physical stuff. The three plates, that painting is very symbolic...fishes and loaves kinda thing to me...and then the three (3). You would love the blues, ocean boy!
BUT, on to the Rodrigues. Let me just tell you...I opened a bank acct in Baton Rouge in 1981...when you opened the acct. you received a signed Rodrique color machine litho print....no big deal...the image was "The Straw Hat"...I sold that silly little poster three years ago for MANY MANY dollars. Tim, you have a fortune in Rodrigues if those are signed originals. I mean FORTUNE...he is big time Carmel, CA now...divorce held his work up for years...and people are paying HUGE bucks for the pre-divorce Rodrigues. And, you "traded" for them...which is a beautiful way to trade in my opinion, and look...RETIREMENT!!!!!!
Hey...I am glad you are feeling better. Sorry for the no sleep thing, but I am right there with you!
I paddled the Rio Grande yesterday The Taos Box section...and rested today. Hard paddling! I am old, and I want a smoke!!!!
p.s. I definitely respect anyone trying to make a living as an artist too...it ain't easy. Also, let me say, I think anyone who practices their craft with mindfulness is an artist...be it nursing, painting, landscaping, mothering, cooking, whatever!
I am just logging on. Today was my first day without a cigarette and I have heart burn and insomnia! Go figure!
I love the painting with the palette knives...very nice. I knew a Belgian that painted that way...really physical stuff. The three plates, that painting is very symbolic...fishes and loaves kinda thing to me...and then the three (3). You would love the blues, ocean boy!
BUT, on to the Rodrigues. Let me just tell you...I opened a bank acct in Baton Rouge in 1981...when you opened the acct. you received a signed Rodrique color machine litho print....no big deal...the image was "The Straw Hat"...I sold that silly little poster three years ago for MANY MANY dollars. Tim, you have a fortune in Rodrigues if those are signed originals. I mean FORTUNE...he is big time Carmel, CA now...divorce held his work up for years...and people are paying HUGE bucks for the pre-divorce Rodrigues. And, you "traded" for them...which is a beautiful way to trade in my opinion, and look...RETIREMENT!!!!!!
Hey...I am glad you are feeling better. Sorry for the no sleep thing, but I am right there with you!
I paddled the Rio Grande yesterday The Taos Box section...and rested today. Hard paddling! I am old, and I want a smoke!!!!
p.s. I definitely respect anyone trying to make a living as an artist too...it ain't easy. Also, let me say, I think anyone who practices their craft with mindfulness is an artist...be it nursing, painting, landscaping, mothering, cooking, whatever!
I bet you are sore as s***.
That's quite a lat workout.
Back i n the late 90's I was into pastell's and cocaine...not necessarily in that ytorder.
This is Zilla.I loved zilla.John called me one morning 3:00AM and said his house was buring down.John was a practicing Alcoholic and also smoked so i rushed over there.Fire engines were eveywhere.The house wss destroyed..I asked him where Zilla was? He was incoherent but manged to determine shw was in the backdedroom.
The roof had collapsed on her after she woke him up.Poor Zilla,115 lb.Bull Mastif.The sweetest dog.Her and my rott loved each other.It took me a long time to forgive John but this disease can be cruel.
That's quite a lat workout.
Back i n the late 90's I was into pastell's and cocaine...not necessarily in that ytorder.
This is Zilla.I loved zilla.John called me one morning 3:00AM and said his house was buring down.John was a practicing Alcoholic and also smoked so i rushed over there.Fire engines were eveywhere.The house wss destroyed..I asked him where Zilla was? He was incoherent but manged to determine shw was in the backdedroom.
The roof had collapsed on her after she woke him up.Poor Zilla,115 lb.Bull Mastif.The sweetest dog.Her and my rott loved each other.It took me a long time to forgive John but this disease can be cruel.


Pastels don't come out as clear