
I'm not on the board much but saw it was your birthday.HB!!!!!!
How is New Mexico? Do you like the art community? I'm working on a big painting with white Crepe Myrtle trees.I will send you a finished pic.
Get my e-mail from Gina or Lisa.
You have a great one.I miss talking to you.You are one of the real special people on here......and talented.
I am going skiing this year,my foot has completley healed up.I like Taos but we could have coffee on my way through.I think you said you live in Albuquerqe.
Hey Tim
Hey Tim!

I will send her your email....and yes you are so right, she is one of the very special people on this board. But then again, we're all special, right? lol
Thanks Lisa and a big Hello to you Danny.I miss seeing you guys but I always will check in.I hope your dad's comfortable Lisa.Later
Thanks Tim. Actually it's my mom, but that's ok. I've only told you about 40 times. <eg> Wish you would check in more often, although I understand, I really miss your wisdom here. We seem to need a little more of that lately..
hi tim!!!!
been wondering about you too,
was it plantar fascitis?? (sp)
my custom made orthotics did the trick!!!
after seeing that nasty spur on x ray, i really cant understand how an orthotic shoe insert relieves the pain, but it did!! jewels
Actually it's my mom, but that's ok. I've only told you about 40 times

.....too many hits on the head from a 10' Epoxy floating device...sorry.
Jewels.torn ligament.They had it wrong ,that's why it got so painful.I'l check in more often.
Hi Tim....

Smooches and it's really good to see you....

here's some more smoothers.............MR Tim...................

so nice to see you posting................


HB .................sarah.............hows that beautiful Lousina weather ?

Tim! So good to see you here. My best wishes to you. I sure hope to see more of you. You're a tremendous asset to those in need here.
Regards, BEck
>pssst, hey Beck, did you get my email about what to try with the car?<
No Babe, I didn't. Did it involve a large detonation? Or cramming it up thetoyota service guy's...orifice?
Lmao! No, I'm not that creative. It was just a battery suggestion. Btw, YGM and it's a hoot.
Thanks Thumper Whumper,Beck,Stacey and Kat.I guess Sarah's out of town.
Sorry Lisa,I do remember it was your mom.I got some brain cells still healing.
I can say one thing about this can leave for awhile and the same people are still nipping at each other's heels.
I know I'm biased but it's a real asset to this board that people like Lisa,Kat I and II,Beck,Danny and some others still stick around.They keep this place together whether you like them or not.I know I can come back here 6 months from now and see their shining examples of how sobriety works.

I'm staying busy,getting a lot of F2F support right now and man what it difference it makes.I've been feeling pretty good.

Stacey..I just saw that thread to me and I apologize for not answering it.I just missed it.I read the one on depression and I think everyone in this world gets depressed in varying degrees.Sometimes meds are the only way to deal with it.I think as addicts we have to determine how much time we need to give ourselves being clean before we make that decision.I've always heard in the program that you should at least give it a good year but that's only a suggestion.
Hi Tim
I got an email from Sarah today...I really miss her on the board. I hope you're reading this sweetheart, I need your kind of recovery. Yours too Tim, don't stay away so long, ok?