I got your email but you aren't answering me back...call me honey. I'm here.
Morning Lisa...xoxo
Smooches ladies!
Smooches ladies!
I talked to her last night...sending so much love and light your way kiddo.
(((hug))) Stacey...
(((hug))) Stacey...
Let her know I am thinking of her as well too, please.
Sending Sarah a hug and love and light.
Sending Sarah a hug and love and light.
Hugs, love and light from me too, Sarah.
Put us all together and we're a strong force, my friend. What we cannot do alone we are capable of with many hands holding ours.
Put us all together and we're a strong force, my friend. What we cannot do alone we are capable of with many hands holding ours.
Same here..
I know from her posting it was going to be a rough couple of days with quitting smoking and her in laws coming.
That is enough---I hope it is nothing more.
Sending you love, Sarah
I know from her posting it was going to be a rough couple of days with quitting smoking and her in laws coming.
That is enough---I hope it is nothing more.
Sending you love, Sarah
Holding you tight today Sarah. I'm in your back pocket...you are so loved, never forget that.
Sarah, I hope everythings okay. I'll email you later on this evening! Miss seeing you here!
Sarah.....I don't know what is going on, but I hope you are doing o.k. I have you in my thoughts and sending love your way!
Thank you all for your support and love.
To those that don't know, we have lost a loved one in our family.
I feel it is okay to share what is happening, because, maybe it can help someone else. Our nephew, beautiful, young, bright, creative, seemingly happy, sober, nephew took his own life.
Needless to say, this has taken us all by surprise, and we are still in shock. I do not understand the why, on many levels, but what I do know, is that psychic pain is real...and I honor that.
If you have a friend who is in the kind of pain that you feel could lead them to harm themselves, then you are charged with helping them help themselves. Get them to commit to some face to face therapy...stay on topic, the problem is not the topic, the HELP is the topic.
I knew my nephew had recently been hurt, and I offered to fly him here to NM to be with us for a long weekend over Thanksgiving...he had to work and couldn't come, but truly, I do not know how my husband and I would be coping right now if we had not made that gesture. I wish he would have come.
I do not know how to feel about all of this right now, and the only emotion I am comfortable with where it pertains to my beautiful nephew is love, so for now, I am just staying with love.
Thank you all for your concern and support. You are an amazing group of people and I am humbled by your willingness to always listen. I am grateful for this resource in my life.
Much love,
edited to say:
I wanted to share the Thought for the Day from Stacey. I think it is very pertinent, and really good food for thought on any day:
To have one's individuality completely ignored is like being pushed quite out of life. Like being blown out as one blows out a light.
--Evelyn Scott
We need to know that we matter in this life. We need evidence that others are aware of our presence. And thus, we can be certain that others need the same attention from us. When we give it, we get it. So the giving of attention to another searching soul meets our own need for attention as well.
Respectful recognition of another's presence blesses that person, ourselves, and God. And we help one another grow, in important ways, each time we pay the compliment of acknowledgment.
We're not sure, on occasion, just what we have to offer our friends, families, co-workers. Why we are in certain circumstances may have us baffled, but it's quite probably that the people we associate with regularly need something we can give them; the reverse is just as likely. So we can begin with close attention to people in our path. It takes careful listening and close observation to sense the message another soul may be sending to our own.
I will be conscious of the people around me. I shall acknowledge them and be thankful for all they are offering me
To those that don't know, we have lost a loved one in our family.
I feel it is okay to share what is happening, because, maybe it can help someone else. Our nephew, beautiful, young, bright, creative, seemingly happy, sober, nephew took his own life.
Needless to say, this has taken us all by surprise, and we are still in shock. I do not understand the why, on many levels, but what I do know, is that psychic pain is real...and I honor that.
If you have a friend who is in the kind of pain that you feel could lead them to harm themselves, then you are charged with helping them help themselves. Get them to commit to some face to face therapy...stay on topic, the problem is not the topic, the HELP is the topic.
I knew my nephew had recently been hurt, and I offered to fly him here to NM to be with us for a long weekend over Thanksgiving...he had to work and couldn't come, but truly, I do not know how my husband and I would be coping right now if we had not made that gesture. I wish he would have come.
I do not know how to feel about all of this right now, and the only emotion I am comfortable with where it pertains to my beautiful nephew is love, so for now, I am just staying with love.
Thank you all for your concern and support. You are an amazing group of people and I am humbled by your willingness to always listen. I am grateful for this resource in my life.
Much love,
edited to say:
I wanted to share the Thought for the Day from Stacey. I think it is very pertinent, and really good food for thought on any day:
To have one's individuality completely ignored is like being pushed quite out of life. Like being blown out as one blows out a light.
--Evelyn Scott
We need to know that we matter in this life. We need evidence that others are aware of our presence. And thus, we can be certain that others need the same attention from us. When we give it, we get it. So the giving of attention to another searching soul meets our own need for attention as well.
Respectful recognition of another's presence blesses that person, ourselves, and God. And we help one another grow, in important ways, each time we pay the compliment of acknowledgment.
We're not sure, on occasion, just what we have to offer our friends, families, co-workers. Why we are in certain circumstances may have us baffled, but it's quite probably that the people we associate with regularly need something we can give them; the reverse is just as likely. So we can begin with close attention to people in our path. It takes careful listening and close observation to sense the message another soul may be sending to our own.
I will be conscious of the people around me. I shall acknowledge them and be thankful for all they are offering me
I'm here when you're ready to talk. Just call.
Remember to take care of you during this time Sarah. Don't get lost.
I'm here when you're ready to talk. Just call.
Remember to take care of you during this time Sarah. Don't get lost.
We need to know we matter in this life. ( good one, Stacey)
You matter, Sarah.
You matter, Sarah.
I just saw this. I am so sorry honey. I am sending prayers your way. I have never dealt with this directly but my best friend in the world for over 15 years little brother did this a few years back. It changed her in a way that I will never fully understand.
So much sadness...and "what ifs". I can only offer you my support and love. I hope that you and your family find some peace and in time will heal your broken hearts.
I love you Sarah.
Big hugs.
So much sadness...and "what ifs". I can only offer you my support and love. I hope that you and your family find some peace and in time will heal your broken hearts.
I love you Sarah.
Big hugs.
Sarah, I'm so very sorry. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there and remember to take care of yourself.
I'm so sorry, Sarah. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. May God keep you close to Him during this time.
Sarah, I am so sorry honey. I read something about your nephew but didn't catch what happened until now.
You and your family are in my prayers.
You and your family are in my prayers.