Hi Everyone,
My boyfriend is getting out of in-patient rehab today (monday)...... Please say a prayer that he can stay clean this time, ok??? That he is strong enough......
He is coming next week to visit me...... So we both have that to look forward to after all this.......
we can keep each other in our prayers ...............always remember one day at a time ..................
Congradulations. I know your excitced,as my wife was when I was released. But on the other hand please be carefull. Spend time as much as you can to watch his behaivor and try to always have an open dialog and remind that this is a new start that the both of you will endure so whatever happens let him to open up to you whenever possible. And visit NA meetings as much as he can.
Good Luck.....
Good Luck.....
Well Baby ... Here it is March 19 and I have been out now for 12 days and I have made 12 meetings. Tonight we are going to an open meeting together. I know how afraid you are of my past repeating. But it has taken me the in-patient rehab to realize that fear is normal. Not only for you but for me. The second night I was out of rehab sharing at that meeting and telling everyone there that I was afraid was like a release for me. It was like a boulder was lifted from my shoulders and now I could really focus on my recovery. My sponsor told me that I had taken the first true step towards recovery and I believe him being the way I felt after sharing.
I now have 41 days clean. Six weeks ago I did not think it was possible for me to get 41 minutes clean. I had to respond to your post to not only let you know what NA is doing for me, but to let anyone else know out there, that there is way out of hell. The hell we have created for ourselves and everyone around us can be released by simply letting it go and than asking another clean person to show you how to STAY clean. Fear is a normal part of the process. Once we ask for help that fear starts to work for us instead of against us where it becomes an almost consuming force that always leads up back to the same hell we have been living.
Thanks for sticking with me Baby. I don't know of anyone who would have stuck it out through what you had to endure. Who knows what the future holds for us but I know it holds a much happier ending clean than it could have possibly been using. I just hope that we can stick it out that long together and somehow I can be what you have always thought me to be. I owe you so much and I just hope I can repay it all. But being clean is what has to come first at this time being I am no good to anyone using.
Anyone who thinks that they can't do it .... trust me, if you knew me and saw that I could stay clean for 41 days .... than you can do it. Don't be afraid to ask for help. It is always the hardest things to do that are the most worthwhile and asking another stranger to help you is about as hard thing you will ever do in yuor life. But it is also the most worthwhile thing to do. For your life is the most worthwhile thing you have.
I now have 41 days clean. Six weeks ago I did not think it was possible for me to get 41 minutes clean. I had to respond to your post to not only let you know what NA is doing for me, but to let anyone else know out there, that there is way out of hell. The hell we have created for ourselves and everyone around us can be released by simply letting it go and than asking another clean person to show you how to STAY clean. Fear is a normal part of the process. Once we ask for help that fear starts to work for us instead of against us where it becomes an almost consuming force that always leads up back to the same hell we have been living.
Thanks for sticking with me Baby. I don't know of anyone who would have stuck it out through what you had to endure. Who knows what the future holds for us but I know it holds a much happier ending clean than it could have possibly been using. I just hope that we can stick it out that long together and somehow I can be what you have always thought me to be. I owe you so much and I just hope I can repay it all. But being clean is what has to come first at this time being I am no good to anyone using.
Anyone who thinks that they can't do it .... trust me, if you knew me and saw that I could stay clean for 41 days .... than you can do it. Don't be afraid to ask for help. It is always the hardest things to do that are the most worthwhile and asking another stranger to help you is about as hard thing you will ever do in yuor life. But it is also the most worthwhile thing to do. For your life is the most worthwhile thing you have.
If we didn't have to get the the NA meeting I would probably sit here crying with what you said....... believe me, I know there is hope..... Each time I look at you I see it...... I'm not sure how much credit I should get..... Well I do know...... NONE!!!!!! You are the one who deserves the credit...... And only you...... Now I hope others read your post to know there is hope for them........I hope other's can find the strength you found....... And reach out for help.....
One day at a time, it works! :O)
I will say a prayer for you and your boyfriend.....
well done going nuts BF...likewise i used constantly for 8 years and had them most addictive personality you could evrer know.... i am now near on 150ish days clean (ive now stoopped counting) it can be done just bide your time and choose your way
Well we made it through our visit together. And I even got to an NA meeting... It was so cool..... Here you are a total stranger and everyone was so welcoming toward you....... So for people who don't think they would be accepted, you are wrong..... I saw it firsthand... We had a great visit and you made it home without any problems... That 10 hour drive couldn't have been easy being you were also tired..... You are now at 45 days clean... And for today, I am not goingnuts.......I am proud of you Baby....... There is always hope even when you don't think there is......