
I got an email this morning,and within that email there was a saying that i had never heard before,after reading it i thought how very true it is...

'Winners make things happen.
"losers let things happen"

We must take a hold of the things in our own lives.Make the things happen that we want to happen.Sometimes its hards,unbelievably so,but...we are in the driver seat of our own making and we are the only ones who can "make things happen" for us.By sitting back and doing nothing,we are letting things just happen on tehir own,and in most cases,things will never change,or if they do,they change for the worst.

I hope for those of you struggling out there today,that just for today,you take back tht control and "make things happen" in your life.Its something thats taken me 46 years to learn,but im learning none the less,and i couldnt be happier,you can too!Take care~KIM

Goos morning!

Great post, Kim. I live by those words..........if things aren't as they should be, change them! I have never been one to sit back and wait on things to take shape by themselves.

Sometimes I should, though. Sometimes, it is best to step back, think about things, and then let nature take it's course. It's called being patient, and I am finally learing to have it sometimes.

Have a good weekend! YGM.
Success comes in cans, failure comes in can'ts...