my husband who is addicted to crack has supposedly been clean for 3 days. but i dont buy it the first day he acted like he was dying day two he got up before i did at 8am and went to work ( or he said he did) day three same thing, but in the 7 months i have known of his use he has never willingly got up before noon and went to work. what am i looking for to see if he is in withdrawal? i have my own theory that maybe he has quit crack and went back to oxycotin. i think the only reason he has quit if he has is because he pawned a bunch of stuff my wedding set, tools and payment has come due or they get to keep it, which at this point they can have my wedding set so i refused to pay the pawn ticket like i do every month so he doesnt lose his stuff, i thought maybe if he started losing things because of his drug use then maybe he'd wake up cause up until now i have covered his butt numerous times. anyways i told him if he had 3 consecutive clean drug tests i would get the stuff out so i think he is just buying time with the oxy so i get his stuff out. maybe im crazy it just doesnt seem right that one day he feels half dead then the next he is up and going with some newfound energy. i wouldnt think you could bounce back from a $500 a day crack habit in one day? i guess ill find out today when i drug test him, but it still wont answer my question of whether he is just substituting crack with oxy, i havent found a home test for oxy yet!! if any one can answer my question do you have energy the second day clean after that much use? thanks
not sure about the answer to your question. but your intuition is probably right. for your sake, take care of yourself.
i would suggest, and it is only a suggestion, is that you begin to help yourself and get help for yourself. the drug testing and withholding payment of pawn tickets and all is probably not going to make him get help. in fact, it may delay or defer his recovery. and, in the end, may cultivate an illness within you.
i would suggest, and it is only a suggestion, is that you begin to help yourself and get help for yourself. the drug testing and withholding payment of pawn tickets and all is probably not going to make him get help. in fact, it may delay or defer his recovery. and, in the end, may cultivate an illness within you.
Bob's right. It's true and I've learned the hard way. But if you still want to do a drug test, Oxy is an opiate and it is a drug test for opiates that you want. Some drug tests will do both cocaine and opiates in one test.
Look for those.
Good luck.
Look for those.
Good luck.