Secrets And More Secrets

Hello to all.Im new to this board.Im hoping for a little help.I know what io need to do but im afraid and not sure how to go about it.

I have a CLOSE friend who comes to this board and im keeping it secret from her,actually,the whols secret is from her.

I had 2 back surgeries in the past 4 years,i was given strong narcotics for the pain.Norcos,the yellow pills.I had no trobule taking just one or 2 a day when i absolutely couldtn take the pain anylonger.

My wife ended up addicted to them.She was ordering them without my knowledge and i had no idea.eventually that all came out,and long story short shes doing well.

Now me on the other hand,ive gone back to my Dr complaining of continual pain and he is giving me the narcotics my wife got addicted to and I had no problem with.Ive been taking them the past year with out my wives knowledge.Its amazing,i had no liking to the pills when she was addictied and now im in the same problem she was.She has no idea,i dont know what to do.i know i need to tell both her and the dr,but im scarted.She is going to be very duissapointed after all shes gone through,now ive put myself in her shoes!Any ideas?Thankyou for any help. TFK

Sorry,my keyboard is dirty and sticky,therefor all the errors.
You both need to come clean.You're addicts and think of how much help you can give each other right now? This isn't about blame.It's a disease and something you both will grow house is
You need to come clean!! Believe me I know how hard it is.And SCARY!!! But once you do it> It's like a huge weight has been lifted.Trust me! And then you're wife and you will be able to concentrate on sobriety. You might be surprised how much you will both be able to help each other..
Just having someone able to understand addiction is huge all by itself. But, don't try and go it alone!!! There is plenty of help out there.
Good luck! Keep us posted. We care>>>>>>>>.
Stay safe, God bless