See, And Now I'm In A Dilema

I have my wife's name tatto'd on my little but the only tatoo I have..and people are beginning to ske who belongs to the name...I keep scratching it but it won't come off...will an earaser work? Or is it time for the wood burning kit I had as a Cub Scout...
Bully have another tattoo over or around it to diguise it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Burning is not an option !!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
No more too's for me..not my style...she made me do it..and funny thing is, the guy WARNED me.He said people ALWAYS break up and not to do it..but I was young and stupid and in love...good thing I am no longer young and stupid......haha..however, I am proud to say I was a failure as a Cub Scout. First organziation I ever got kicked out of for..uh..well..we won't go in kicked out of Catocism (sic) too..hehehehehehehehe...and FOR THE SAME REASON

Dan "looking for a pack of Marlboros" OB
Well Dan its the only way other than laser surgery !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tattos aren't my thing either, don't have any, don't want any, but I did consider it once, but changed my mind, but this may work for you. Have two little angels done and a little banner under each with the babie's names on them?
roe, that is an excellnet suggestion...but my other three will be pissed then I am in a REAL dilema..
Glad i never got a tatto, i almost did once in the military, but i see women in their teens and 20s with big ones accross the bottom of their back and on different parts of there body, it is such a turnoff, if you don't know them, the 1st impression is that there trailor trash, i'm sure once you get to know them your impression changes for the better, but just imagine when they get older and the tattos start to sag lol

My daughter apprenticed at tatooing so I ummm let her practice by having a shammrock tatooed on my arm It's a small one and I gotta say I like it! My son has lots of em, and daughters have a few too. I guess you either like em or you don't.

Maybe a good artist could make the name into something else? Hope its just a few letters lololol. Doesn't sound like an option for you tho so like the post said above....laser.....


Get it covered....
The hubby got one of his covered and it really turned out great. Make sure whoever does it is good with coverup work. You want to see what they have done and covered before.
I can send you a picture to show you before an after.....
My husband has the Marine Corps devildog tatooted on his forearm.
But it was just never for me. I'm not saying they don't look nice, but I wouldn't do it, owwwwie.
Hey Glad can you imagine the tattoo at the top of a girls butt crack when they age and pile the weight on..... I can see it now stretching out and looking like the back end of a bus !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

user posted image
That's a pretty tat...

I've not noticed my tattoos stretching...but I guess they

I have BAD AZZ tattooed on my lower back.....

maybe now it says

Danny, cant you just find another women with the same name and tell her you just had it done for her
i have a pink ballet slipper on top of my right foot with ribbons wrapping half way around my ankle like an anklet, the slipper is about 4 inches long, it shouldnt stretch unless i get kankles :)

Janet LMFAO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have a womans lips in a kiss on my left butt cheek, snake and dagger on my right forearm and my blood group on my right shoulder..... There all about 30 old and still look pretty good.... I had them done in Singapore when I was drunk, no idea whos lips were used .....

I may even get another as they can do some really good work nowadays, more variety of colors !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Janet your a comedian !!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Booo that must be a sensitive area around the ankle !!!!!!!!!!!!
ericuser posted imageuser posted imageuser posted image
Happy Easter Eric lol My Webpage
Whats up Glad ????????????

user posted image
I have five or six if you count the bad azz separate.

Yellow rose on my right calf with my best friends initials above it
Yellow rose anklet on my left ankle
Scorpion on my lower back w/Bad Azz under it
Tribal Butterfly on my left shoulder
Playboy bunny that is colored in like an American flag, one ear is blue with stars...

MMM I just got into the up my son's basket in the closet and had 3 of them...mmmmmm