Sensless Loss

I am so sorry to hear about your cousin. That is horrible he had his whole life ahead of him. I know God has a plan for all of us but 23 years old. Makes you feel blessed to be alive this could have happened to anyone of us. Again, I am sorry for you loss and will say a prayer for you and your family. May he rest in peace. Rae
Gabbi, Mollyjean, Sammy, Ramon, Mdgirl, and Tridentmom,

Thanks to all of you also for your kind words and prayers. Yes Ramon, I got ya. <smile> Today I'm a little less angry. I pray for the boys who did this and their families as well. They were all so young. I guess if I am to make some sense out of the senseless I'm just going to make myself a little crazier. I'm just grateful for the days I have, for my friends and family. It brings home to me how I have to learn to forgive in all circumstances even when I think I can't and how I have to just find gratitude in each day.

Thank all of you. I wish you peace.

PM,I am so sorry to hear about what happened to your cousin,my thoughts are with you and your family,
God things are changing,theives nowadays will rob you for so little and they will use violence to get it,sometimes you hear of robberies where someone has been killed and it is for such a pitiful amount of money,it has to be drugs,Im sorry to say that makes some of these mongrels do this stuff.
PM ,dont answer if its to touchy for you,but I was wondering if these mongrels killed your cousin for money for drugs or where they on anything when it happened.
Amy..thinking about you love.... so sorry for your loss. There are no words for a time like this..

Love you
Rae, Phantom, and Lisa,
I think it helps to talk about it. My family sure isn't the type to talk about it. Anyway, I don' t know that he actually had much on him when they robbed him. It was a preplanned robbery. I don't know my cousin so well. He lived in MB and I live in Colorado and he grew up in Hawaii.. So like I know my other cousin's but this family I never knew too well. I have heard he was a kind kid, not on drugs, not into bad stuff. From the things I have read from the email sympathy site he seems like he was lovable, supportive of others and sort of quiet. And there were 3 killers all kids. I just think that is about the saddes thing. I mean even if they didn't mean to "kill" him. They did and his life was lost in a bld bath and theirs locked away. Gosh. I just think about it and it's just sad. I know there are not words to express anything at times like these. We just ride the feelings out until they begin to heal themselves. And hope one day things will be better and more people will wake up a little.

I read a book about 20 years ago called" why bad things happen to good people" by a rabbi harold Kushner I believe whos son was either murdered or died from some illness very young. I might help you through this sad situation, tho nothing but time can take the pain away. Look it up by title as Im not positve on the authors spelling of the last name.Best wishes and prayers. Ramon
Tonight I will say a prayer to you and your family.

It is a tragic loss but fortunately does not reflect the affection and love in most people's hearts. Good for you for reaching out the the people you know care.

God Bless you and your family
