Sent To Kat But Can Anyone Relate?

(((((((((((((Kat)))))))))) Cant wait for the 30 days clean. Just fyi, What I reallly reallly really like is getting up in the morning NOT because I had to get hydro cuz Im cramping and cold but because Im simply awake, aware and ready to start the day, not waiting for they hydro to kick in so I can function. Anyone relate?
I relate more than I can even say. To wake up and not have them your first thought (and or worry) is like a weight lifted. To me, this is one of the biggest freedoms. I just hated doing that every single day. Not to wake up tense, do I have plenty? am I okay for today? or even worse.....omg, I have none and now I have to start planning on how to get them. Such an insane cycle of worry and all so I wouldn't have to get dope sick. And I can't wait to post your 30 days clean thread!!! (if nobody beats me to it, lol) We'll count down those days! I hope on your 30 days clean you do something special for yourself. You will have certainly earned it! Plus it gives you something to look forward to. On mine if I remember correctly, I went and got my hair done and had highlights put in.
Love and hugs to you too, Kat
Yes Kat, sometimes woke up just because of the hydro. YUCK. I want you to post my 30th, would be honored. I think I made a mistake on the days. It was Tuesday april 27th that I didnt have any.....Im just a loan officer so you cant laugh at my math. Could it be 20 already????
Consider it a promise, and my pleasure. I'll have to watch your countdown closely so I don't miss it. It's going to be great posting your 60, 90, and one year clean dates too! And don't you let one ounce of doubt creep in either, you're going to make it to all of those! Love, Kat