Setting Myself Up...????

i want to thank all of you that answered my post from the other day.
However i have been having this problem today that i just cant get out of my head and i was hopeing that one of you all could help me with it.
As i stated the other day...i have 21mnths clean and i went to a meeting today and i was talking about my 2yrs. I guess without even knowing it i have been talking about that alot lately at my meeting and someone at the table told me that i was "SETTING MYSELF UP" for relapes!!!
AM I???
I dont feel like i am and im trying realy hard to do the right things to get to the point of 2yrs but i am VERY big in listening what others have to say to me and im feeling like maybe this person is right. On the other hand i shouldnt be worried about what others think, but i just cant seem to get this out of my head.
Some of you on this board have alot of "CLEAN TIME" and from reading the posts it also seems that alot of you have alot or "RECOVERY TIME".
I would realy love to hear what some of you may think when i comes to this....AM I SETTING MYSELF UP FOR A RELAPES by talking about my 2yrs so much and thinking about it all the time and NOT having a sponsor???

Thanks so much for reading and the chance to get this out of my head for a few minutes.

Having almost 2 yrs. without a sponsor is the only thing I question.How are you working the steps?
I only have a couple of weeks this time around so I don't have much advice. All I can say is that if I had two years coming up???? I'd be talking about it and thinking about it a lot too.

That's something to be very proud of and if you are anything like me, and probably many other addicts, we are not used to feeling proud of ourselves.

Good for you! Two years seems like an eternity away for me.

Now I'll back off and let more wise minds speak. I just wanted to give you a huge pat on the back.
I went back and read your other thread you started about sponsorship so it's on your mind for a valid reason.I don't think talking about your 21 months is a set up for a relapse but not being able to hear what was discussed,it's hard to come to any conclusion about that.

Yesterday I posted a thread about questions snd answers dealing with sponsorship.It's material that is from pamphlets on Sponsorship.You said you struggle with women so getting a female sponsor might help with that.

Congratulations on your 21 days BTW.That is something to be very proud of.Sponsorship is very important.That's how we work the steps.We can't sponsor ourselves.Making meetings can help you stay dry indefinitely but the program is about the 12 steps.This is how we change.If no attempt has been made to work the steps,we're just dry.The steps can be scary but you almost have 2 years so I would say you've had ample enough time to start them.

My advise would be get a woman ASAP that has worked the steps and get started writing.Talk to anybody on here that's worked them and the changes that started happening.

Good Luck
When Tim said congrats on your 21 days, I think he meant 21 months.

I set myself up from time to time. It's just the nature of recovery. We aren't perfect. All we can do is practice recovery until we get it right. Get a sponsor and work the steps. I think you'll find you're answers there.
Congratulations on 21 months. That is huge. I have to agree with Tim and Lisa in that the steps are the program. It took me a while but I got a sponser and am working them with her.

I don't think that mentioning your two year anniversary is a set up. What if you went around saying "if I make two years". I'd rather hear someone say "when I make two years". Its future vision. IMO that is setting yourself up for success. Getting a sponser will help even more.

Doesn't matter how you did it, you did it! Congratulations. All of us are here because we are interested in recovery and maintaining any clean time. The best part of recovery is you learn about yourself alot. Sometimes from other people, sometimes in group settings, reading etc.. I learned one thing early on. If it doesn't apply let it fly. If you felt like it spoke to you for some reason. Maybe just maybe you wanted to hear it and do something about it. The best advice anyone can give is listen to yourself. If your interested follow through. Each of us would agree that you have to work your own program not someone elses. It is what you make it.
Much love and respect,