Sexual Abuse -where To Go?

My eldest daughter just told me of her husband was sexually abused as a child. Can anyone recommend a board she can talk to? He can talk to?
He has used drugs to mask his feelings but has done well to resist that path and does try to focus on job skills, his family.
Thanks so much
Go under search and type sexual abuse message boards and many will come up. You can check them out and see which one he prefers. Good luck and god bless...
if ya check this,it's a while late,but,i was abused as a kid,as a male child.
it was difficult to find resources on male abuse and recovery as most are aimed at women,there has been a shift towards mending this disparity though, and i know there are a book or two that could be helpful,i read one called victims no longer by a certain psychologist Mike Lew.It helps each bit towards reconciling the pain helps.good luck to him,hope he comes out tops.