
Does your husband know what happens if someone who is trying to enlist has a dirty UA? Do they give them a second chance or is that the end of the line?
Lisa, Give me a few to post back to you was just talking to my husband and son in law for more info on this. Your son is trying to enlist in the Army right? Shantel
Lisa, Here's what I found out for you. My husband is enlisted in the Navy and my son in law in the Army. Seems after talking to both of them which I already knew from my husband each branch of service has different policies on drug use. The Navy being zero tolerence on drug use and the Army being more lienent. Funny thing when I called my son in law tonight to ask him your question he just happens to be in a course this week about the updated policies on drug abuse in the Army to take effect Feb. 15 2009. From what my son in law told me Jake has 3 options. The first being he can take his chance if he has been using and still go take his UA. Even if he has to piss in a cup being the test is so expensive they only test 50 percent and he might luck out and not be the one who is tested. If he is tested and pops positive depending on how much and what shows up in his test will determine if he is givin a second chance. The way he explained it is the Army is having a hard time enlisting people and realize in todays society they are hard pressed to find young men or women without a record or some type of past that wants to enlist. Meaning if they think Jake just used a few times just for the fun of it or Joe Blow has a record because of something stupid he did as a kid they have a good chance of still being enlisted. Second option is for Jake to go to his recruiter and be honest with him and tell him he has a problem with drugs. One thing of two could happen if the recruiter is a decent guy and not just looking to make his quota he will be honest with Jake and tell him what his options are for enlisting if any, if not he will tell Jake hey it's no problem and find a way for Jake to enlist. Trust me it happens every day. Third option being which I gotta say would be the way to go and my son in law agreed is for Jake to address his problem before he tries to join. Like my son in law said even if he does happen to pass his UA how in the world is he gonna get through basic training in withdrawal? Not gonna happen unless he plans on hiding his stash somewhere and continue using. If he plans on doing that then he better have a good hiding place when it comes down to inspection time. He did say however if he does pass his entry physical and gets to enlist if somewhere down the line he does fail a UA depending on his commanders recommendations after hearing Jakes side of the story he could be sent to some sort of rehab and still be able to keep his career if it is his first offense. Lisa, trust me being a military wife of 20 plus years and a mother this is not the route you want Jake to take right now but that's just my opinion. Like I posted to you earlier I have walked in your shoes and I know the pain you are feeling but there comes a time when you have got to let go and let Jake fall and hopefully learn from his own mistakes. No one ever said letting go was ever easy. You and Jake will be in my prayers. Shantel
Thank Shantell...he is enlisting in the army. I'm going to read this to him tomorrow...
Lisa, Please know as I write this I am only trying to help. If I ask questions don't feel the need to answer them. First off let me say that myself and my son in law agree that Jake needs to go about enlisting the right way. As I was throwing different senerios out to my son in law about Jake last night one of the things he said to me if Jake has been using and is determined to join and not tell the truth about his drug use then he needs to try and stay clean for at least a week before testing. When I was asking my husband about the testing because that is part of his job he told me the test that the military uses is highly advanced and can pick up anything. So let's just assume Jake stays clean for a week passes his UA if he is given one and gets to enlist. Then what? Seems to me if he has no recovery plan in place (remember he can't take the sub because he could get called for a UA at any time) it's almost like your throwing a bandaide on the problem and eventually that bandaide is gonna come off and the problem is still gonna be there unless you have a plan in place to address the problem. Remember what I said if he does happen to get in and at some point he does fail his UA theres a good chance they will keep him in the Army and get him help but there'a always a chance they could kick him out. Seems to me that's the hard road to take. Another good point my son in law made was how in the world will Jake make it threw boot camp if he in in w/ds. Just trying to play devils advocate here so you can look at this from all areas. In my opinion not that you asked for it but here it goes anyway. Unless Jake feels he can get clean and stay clean during his enlistment his best option is to be honest. Go to his recruiter and tell him the truth beforehand. At least Jake will know what options he has before joining. Either it will work out for him or not. That sure beats facing any reprucussions (sp) he might face in the future if he is caught using. Trust me no one wants reprimands or disiplinary actions taken against them in their service record. You might not know this but his military record will follow him for life. One more things I wanted to add that my son in law said. Oxys right now are the #1 abused drug in the Army. He was headed back to the class I told you he was attending today and was gonna try and find out more for you and Jake. He said he would call me tonight. I know you are totally stressed over all of this and might think the Army is the only solution at this point but I hope Jake thinks long and hard on this before he enlist as this decision could affect the rest of his life depending on the choices he makes from here on out. Tell Jake I really hope this works out for him. The military has been like a second family to me for over 20 years. If he goes about things the right way he has a great future ahead of him. They take care of their own. Shantel
I get what you're saying. I don't know what Jake's plan of recovery is when he gets in. I think, he thinks, that with all of the structure and constant physical stuff, he'll be able to stay clean. He has the tools, so he at least knows what to do. And I can't remember if I told you this or not but his recruiter asked him if he had any drug problems and Jake was honest with him and told him that he had been to treatment. The guy told him not to mention that to anyone else. I think that's why Jake keeps putting off this physical because he knows he has to have at least a week before that UA. He's run out of excuses as to why he hasn't taken the Meps or Afab yet so, I hope he'll have a week before next Tuesday. If not, he's screwed.

I have told him that if he gets in, it's going to be hard to stay clean. The stress of being away from home blah blah blah is really going to be hard. He seems to think that this is exactly what he needs.