I very recently have been exchanging e-mails with Dr. David Arneson. Maybe some of you have already seen this, but I wanted to share some information he gave me...
Dr. David Arneson, NMD
Last updated on 5-4-06
Many have contacted me via the internet and I have responded to each and every e-mail that I have received. I will continue to do so but have written this addendum to address the issue of proper supplementation to reduce the severity and time associated with methadone withdrawal. As I stated in my original article-there is no free lunchbut there are ways of minimizing the time and discomfort.
For those that wish in-house treatment please go to www.theriversource.org
For those that wish to utilize the same protocols as my in-house patients go to www.happydestinysupplements.net and view the opiate withdrawal supplements
For those who are stretched to their financial limits the following is the basic minimum requirements and many over the internet succeed with this simple list of supplements
1) Go to the health food store and get a product called Emergen-Cthis is a powdered electrolyte drink, which also contains vitamins and minerals, do three of these drinks per day
2) Get the best quality protein powder you can and do 3 doses per day mixed with fresh fruit or veggie juices
3) Get flax seed oil in capsules, or fish oil, these are the omega essential fatty acids you will need to re-stabilize membrane function of all cellsthey also are essential in chronic pain patients to reduce inflammationdo 3000 mg twice per day
4) Get a good quality multivitamin in capsular formdo the recommended daily dosing
The above will save my a lot of future pounding on the key boardyet I assure you I will continue to respond to each mailwith respectdr dave
Thanks for the info.
When I was withdrawling from methadone in 2002, I would have tried anything to get the pain to ease a little. Just a moment of relief would have been a blessing.
So thanks. You never know who it may help!
When I was withdrawling from methadone in 2002, I would have tried anything to get the pain to ease a little. Just a moment of relief would have been a blessing.
So thanks. You never know who it may help!