Sharron.....what's Up?

I haven't been on too much this week.How are you doing?Are you still weaning off your meds?
I'm always thinking about you.Later
Tim..that is so sweet of you...thank you for your concern. I am bummed because I am at a standstill. I haven't been able to go lower. I thought about sub and also about detox, etc,etc. The reality is that I have a significant amount of pain daily and I would be lying if I said I was willing to radically change my life in order to not need meds.So....even if I went on sub I would still be on an opioid and still have withdrawal if I stop. Mentally I might feel better not having the negative association with pain pills. Since I don't abuse them and I still have Tony(BF) dole them out...what is the point of changing meds?It's either pain meds or no pain meds....neurontin and elavil do help but I cannot walk w/o a cane and I know I will be depressed if I cannot get around. Maybe I am deluding myself by thinking I can be off the pills. My Lupus has never gone into remission and my back still has rods and another herniated disk. The neuropathy in my feet gives me the most trouble. My Dr. wants me to be happy and is willing to work with me re:tapering and other modalities to help. He is doubtful I can do this unless I am bedridden(NO WAY) But God has a way of doing His best work(the seemingly impossible) when we least expect it. So, yes I am still going to taper and then at least I will be able to say I tried. I carry so much guilt from my former "lifestyle" so I believe I would love to never have to see another pill. My BF thinks I am way too hard on myself...I am a perfectionist with issues. I take it day to day....I am stuck on my present dose. I wish I could take 800 motrin was pretty good. Due to kidney problems from the Lupus I cannot. Thanks again're a good man(Charlie Brown)Love, Sharonn