Should I Get Another Drug To Detox

A few people replied to my post last night and I was able to read those this morning. Although you people are strangers to me, you cared enough to say something to me at a moment when I really needed it and I know you've been there. Thanks so much for that.

I have a doctors appointment at 2, I think I can get through this without seizing or dying. Should I just tough it out or ask for something to detox with? I guess coming from one addict to another, this will seem like a retorical and stupid question. I have to work today. I can manipulate my schedule because I'm self employed, but right now I feel like I can barely will myself out of bed to this desk to type- much less shower and get in my car to go to work. I was only doing about 5 lorcets a day for a couple months- sometimes more or less. I feel like I've been using just as if I never had quit in the first place- I've gone through a ct withdrawal before and it was so bad that I had a seizure and ended up in the hospital for a few days.
hi there renee i am on day 5 ct and i did not have that problem physically however if you had siezures i definitely would ask the dr about help, you dont want to stress your system too much. is lorcet the only thing you are wd off of?

Hey Carol. Thanks for your help. I was clean for about 1 month and was in a wreck. I started taking narcos for pain and finally spun out of control for about a week which for me didn't seem like that big of a deal. Out of control for me means pain pills, drinking, high doses of xanax and a little coke. Today is really my first day because I have nothing left- yesterday I still had darvon to take so when it got really bad and I had to work I took those. For a long time, I thought suffering through detox would teach me a lesson. Really, it makes no difference in the long run . I've always found an excuse for going back. I'm so shaky and tired and disgusted, ashamed. I just want this endless nightmare to be over.

you can get help from a dr to ease w/d. i used non narcotic meds. the blood pressure pach soms stuff for cramps and i had to wien off of a benzo. i know its scary and could feel degrading fessing up to your dr. but trust me most are compassionate caring and wanna help. you will most likely be pleasantly suprised : ) i know i was.i had to wien off the benzos with a seizue med by the way. i would encourage you to look into it. good luck
