Siblings Dealing With A Brother/sister On Heroin

I have a brother who is on heroin and in rehab now for the 3rd time and i am so angry with him as i have done everything in my power to help him physically,mentally and financially and he is just not trying to help himself so i have now given up and cant help him any further are there any other sisters or brothers out there who who have a sibling on drugs and you're "gat vol" given up and tired and hurt by all of this, i would love to chat

I have a sister younger than me. She is married to my boyfriends' brother. My boyfriend is a heroin addict and has been for the last 10-11 years. He has been on a methadone program for 6 years. His brother and my sister just had a baby and his brother does not want him around the baby because just recently after him being clean and sober for over a year, he had a slip and went back to heroin. He had fallen into a depression right before christmas and he got deeper and deeper into the depression right after christmas was over. In January, he gave up with his feelings and gave into the demon we call heroin. When he was an active addict he snorted and sniffed it but, this time he shot up. So, in other words he graduated from "the nose to the needle" and things got really tense around the apartment that we live in together. I was very naive about the drug and didn't really know what came with being an addict. Pixie- I've learned that the more you give them the more they get deeper and deeper into addiction. Some might say that we as the"helper and supporter" are not doing any good for them by enabling them. When an addict knows that you will always support and help them, they are not thinking about how much you're helping them, they are thinking about the next time they will get high and they don't care AT ALL who they hurt. Your brother needs to be in rehab but you can't be mad at him, you're just wasting your time and energy. I'm sorry if that hurts you, I know that's not what you want to hear but if you keep helping him you will get more hurt than you already are. I also have a 25 year old cousin who is addicted to heroin (by injection) and his family supports him but they have now had it with all the lying. What you need to know is that addicts are liars and they are good at it for a little while. After a while, they actually catch themselves in their own lies and that's when you know you're being taken for a ride. If your brother is younger than 25 then he most likely will be addicted for a long time. If ever he wants to stop I don't recommend methadone as it is hard if not harder than heroin to get off. I'm having that problem now where my boyfriend says he would rather be on methadone than slipping up again. This is just a cop out on his part. In other words, he means that he's not ready to quit yet. I have been having little things around the house appearing and making me suspicious. Example... Q-tips used to take the unpure toxins out of heroin when shooting up, a needle that had the tip broken off after use in a wrapper, strong smell of rubbing alcohol used for the limb they will be shooting up in and there are other signs for not shooting but snorting and sniffing. Look for small pupils that don't react to light or darkness. Unusual behavior like shortness of breath and twitching leg and arm movements that can't be controlled also if it's cold out and they are high, they don't feel any cold. The drug keeps their body warm. There is something chemically in their brains that is telling them they need the drug. A drug addicts' (heroin especially) biggest fear is feeling pain in any part of their body. Good luck and keep your head up. There is really nothing more you can do for him except pray and hope that one day he will want to change this for himself but, he's the one who has to want to change. No one can make him change with threats, promises or guilt trips. A mothers love is never enough for them. That only makes things worse. Addicts will promise you the moon and swear that they are changing but, you can't believe them until you see it for yourself. One day at a time and only time will tell what the outcome will be. You will be in my prayers.
