My boyfriend has started on the Sub. He got his prescription on Friday, took his last hit Friday morning at around 10:30 a.m. He took his first Sub at 5:00 Sunday morning. He wanted to wait as long as possible into withdrawals before taking it. He's been feeling OK since starting - not fabulous or anything. He's been averaging on taking about 16 mg a day. He's coming off a 400 mg snorting habit of morphine over the past 9 months after an approximate 10 year stint with snorting heroin.
It's basically his fourth day on the Subs and he has started feeling really queasy and nauseaus. It started last night and he was actually sick, but then tried to eat some soup and it seemed to settle down a bit. However, he's feeling sick again today and can't seem to stop the queasy feeling.
Has anybody had experience with this with the Sub? Or do you think he's maybe taking too little? Or too much?
Is it also normal to be suffering from a lot of anxiety? Not just about missing his drug, but from everything?
These are questions he wanted me to ask you as he doesn't have access to a computer.
Any input would be appreciated.
maybe his dose it too high. gladiator on the pills board went on subs and it made him really sick, maybe its the same thing. i don't know, he should call his doctor and see about decreasing his mgs. hope he feels better soon