Wow how sad it is for me to sign on & NOT see a Goos! What have all the beaners given up on it?Is it time to put it to rest?
Im sorry for not being around more as Im trying very hard to pull it together.
Im still at 8mg of Sub & have not given much thought to "relapsing"I suppose we all have weak moments & the mth of Febuary was mine.
I hope someone even if Im not here keeps the GOOS going.How sad it would be that after 2 years its done
love molly
Good Morning MJ...
I've read where you've been going through a difficult time and I hope things are looking better...I can understand being overwhelmed in life, in fact, I understand a lot more now what they mean by living life on life's terms...After I relapsed the last time and finally surrendered and asked for help, I reached out to a woman on this board and she made things simple....The main key was "using is not an option". No matter what, using is not an option...There are still days that pop up where life gets a bit rough and my first thought now is "using is not an option" and that simple phrase saves my as*.
For me, when I find myself in a hard spot, and I want to isolate and start pushing away from my program, I stop & pray, ask for God's help and I reach out to others, newcomers especially and I find that getting out of my own head and helping others is what it's all about and before long, I am out of my problem and into a solution....
Maybe God has chosen you for the Goos and even when things are crazy and difficult in your life, log on, post and share. Recovery is not a bed of roses and there are going to be difficult days but reaching out, not using, making it through another 24hrs clean & sober is all that is required....
Why don't you go & start your thread?
Please know, I say this with respect and caring....
Take care,
I've read where you've been going through a difficult time and I hope things are looking better...I can understand being overwhelmed in life, in fact, I understand a lot more now what they mean by living life on life's terms...After I relapsed the last time and finally surrendered and asked for help, I reached out to a woman on this board and she made things simple....The main key was "using is not an option". No matter what, using is not an option...There are still days that pop up where life gets a bit rough and my first thought now is "using is not an option" and that simple phrase saves my as*.
For me, when I find myself in a hard spot, and I want to isolate and start pushing away from my program, I stop & pray, ask for God's help and I reach out to others, newcomers especially and I find that getting out of my own head and helping others is what it's all about and before long, I am out of my problem and into a solution....
Maybe God has chosen you for the Goos and even when things are crazy and difficult in your life, log on, post and share. Recovery is not a bed of roses and there are going to be difficult days but reaching out, not using, making it through another 24hrs clean & sober is all that is required....
Why don't you go & start your thread?
Please know, I say this with respect and caring....
Take care,
Stacey...Thank you because I know anytime you post to me whether its something I like to hear or not I realize if you didnt care you wouldnt post at all.
Yes the Mth of Feb was a real bad one for me on alot of different levels.But I am starting to sort things out,little steps.My problem was I feel wanting to fix everything at once which we all know is impossable.
Im not proud that I smoked that joint that one night but I am proud that I did NOT take it further.I knew than as I know now even if I did start usen everything bothering me would still be here when I come down.So why try to hide.I do feel bad as far as feeling sorry for myself because thats not the woman I am.
I saw my therapist yesterday & he has agreed to see me 2xs a week instead of 1.
I know you believe in your program & I totally respect that.I read how much good the programs do for others.But for me I just feel safer in private therapy.Alot of issues that have been a part of my addiction problems are so personal,so private that I like that one on one I get.
I kinda gotta giggle because to me the GOOS is the spot(sort of like my own post)where I can just discuss & talk with friends & such.
Stacey...Thank you again for taking the time to post me & Ill say it(the heck with it)I wish we were closer because I feel I could learn alot from you
With Love & so much respect
Yes the Mth of Feb was a real bad one for me on alot of different levels.But I am starting to sort things out,little steps.My problem was I feel wanting to fix everything at once which we all know is impossable.
Im not proud that I smoked that joint that one night but I am proud that I did NOT take it further.I knew than as I know now even if I did start usen everything bothering me would still be here when I come down.So why try to hide.I do feel bad as far as feeling sorry for myself because thats not the woman I am.
I saw my therapist yesterday & he has agreed to see me 2xs a week instead of 1.
I know you believe in your program & I totally respect that.I read how much good the programs do for others.But for me I just feel safer in private therapy.Alot of issues that have been a part of my addiction problems are so personal,so private that I like that one on one I get.
I kinda gotta giggle because to me the GOOS is the spot(sort of like my own post)where I can just discuss & talk with friends & such.
Stacey...Thank you again for taking the time to post me & Ill say it(the heck with it)I wish we were closer because I feel I could learn alot from you
With Love & so much respect
To All Im off for now & I hope you all have a nice day
please do not give up the goos, i love it! ok? gotta go i have an appt with the podiatrist to check on this painful heel spur. julie
please do not give up the goos, i love it! ok? gotta go i have an appt with the podiatrist to check on this painful heel spur. julie