Signs Of Meth

This may be a stupid question, but here goes.

My husband (unbeknownst to me before we got married) used to have a problem with methamphetamines. Well once my bank accts started dwindling and he was up late at night etc, I figured out he was doing it and then he confirmed it. It went on for about a year anda half until it finally stopped (or so it seems).

Until recently I have believe that he's not doing meth, but now i'm kind of wondering if he is.

One thing that I remember from his days of doing it, is that when he sneezed, his sneeze smelled awful.. I normally don't notice an odor with sneezes. His response to my inquiry was that it was a 'bad breath sneeze'........Well I beg to differ, and I would like to know from others that have experienced meth, what you think?

Also, are there any other tell-tale signs that I need to look for. I haven't seen money disappearing or late nights or sweats for a few months, but for some reason I am a little worried that he may be doing little bits of it.

Any ideas or input from anyone? please.
i cant say i know what a "bad breath sneeze" is.........but i can share what i do know. meth is super cheap. and if your husband is doing meth in moderation to keep it a secret, then it sure wouldn't put a dent in your cash flow. maybe thats not so accurate. i spend at least $300 a week, but this is smoking it, and a 7 years built up tolerance. to snort the drug, not nearly as much. not even half or a third even of that. there is only so much you can put up your nose. but im sitting here and trying to recollect what it was like when i started, and you mentioned 'sweats' so that triggered me back to the beginning. the s*** that makes up this drug is repulsive, and your body tries to sweat it out--not being used to having drain cleaner, battery acid, kerosine, sulfuric acid, paint thinner, acetone, know. use your best judgement, and straight up ask him questions. what kind of person is your husband naturally?.....i mean is this a man who sat on the couch after a big meal and watched t.v., and perhaps progressively turned into an eat and run kind of guy who always has a project on the go? spending long periods of time doing 'boring' tasks almost relentlessly? "arent you hungrey?" "what did you eat today?" signs of allergies maybe....sniffing nose? watering eyes? or is there a blow torch readily accessible? glass tubes or objects around? is he losing any weight? "are you feeling okey lately?, ive noticed you've lost a little weight" does he seem withdrawn, but energetic or enthusiastic about something unrelated to you? DOES HE READ? sorry i just forgot......that is a huge thing for myself. i dont know you or him, so i don't know if reading is normal anyways, but a person high on meth is in no way, shape or form to read a noval. to sit and pick up a book. im not talking about magazines and stuff, i mean "have you read a good book lately?" another thing is his skin. does he seem to focus on himself like picking at his face? bags under his eyes? i dont know if any of this will help, so maybe i'll just stop. the truth is lady, i have never met a person who uses meth and not been able to tell. i mean this s*** is a guarentee to kick start a downhill slide in every aspect in your/his life. is he"preforming".....i don't really want to know--but just another little piece for you to ponder K? intrest and ability will soon deteriorate there too. best of luck.
I have been clean and sober from all drugs(Mostly Meth) and alcohol for the last 12 years, and let me tell you they have been the best years of my life. You should check out this program. I went through the treatment center that developed it and I know from personal experience that it works.
My heartfelt sympathies as I too have been in the exact situation. My other half had gone completly off the track. Not seeing things at all clearly, blaming me for things, forgetting what he had said, what I had said and lots of lies deceipt to cover up.

So basically I said me or drugs ( a hard thing to do when u love someone) but really I think if you love someone and they love you, hopefully it will be a easy decision but not an easy road.

What I was also going to say is point out because you love him you can not sit by and watch and wonder whats going to happen next as it leads to all sorts of problems and not so nice people. Then there is the health issues... So what I am saying is that it is your choice but I would have a good think about you, he has a problem... how important is your relationship..
Also ring a help line the alcohol one does drugs now or will tell you where to go for yourself as you need the support and need to talk and for them.
I am lucky my man chose me and our relationship has grown even stronger, but for me there is now an underlying mistrust, almost paranoia, which is sad but after all the hurt the lies the deceipt about money and accusations that came my way and never ever wanting to go back there. I think maybe it is just as well that I am that way. It is possibly a good thing and I think I will look at it as awareness. You really do need to be very aware, as addicts can be cruel nasty and hard to deal with. My advise would also be to be absolutly sure before confronting him. It tortured me to watch but I knew i had to wait till i had facts... so he could not deny it and turn it all around to be my problem because it really is their problem.

So could luck contact a agency for support and help for you at least to get the strength you will need to get through this.