Silent Partner...

You are right about the spontaneous O's. I was gonna post that it does happen but the thread got locked. I thought I was crazy when it was happening and actually I am glad you said this was a symptom of WD. I thought I had regressed back to my early teens!!!!!! Funny but true!
I wondor if the baby comes early too when that happens.

That did not come out right

Neither did that, but I'm gonna post it anyway

all i know is withdraw just makes my boner throb!!!!!!!,lmao,moderators please do not lock this thread this is a serious matter when comeing[wink] off of narcotics,i promise i will try to be mature about this very sensivitive matter,i just got one last thing to say,BOIIINNNNNGG,yours truley......vinny.
Until I read that I thought I was some kind of freak & never ever told anyone about it
The mention of anythin sexual and here comes Vinny LOL Good morning Vin, hope you and your boner are well xxx

Hey Vinny.......with 87 -+ withdrawals in your history, no wonder you're always talking about your boner! Poor guy, or maybe I should say "Poor wife".

I have to say, the SO happened to me, too, and I would have never connected it to w/d until, now. Wonder why this happens, what the phycial reason it.
Guess we shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth, though.
Hey Gabs I was serious myself,I thought at the time something was messed up in my head.I mean I never thought something like that was connected.I felt horriable yet for those couple sec couple 1000 sec I felt good
it's 86 withdraws to be exact,yea i know that sure is retarted on my behalf,anyways my shoulder is giving me problems i made an appt with the doctor who done the surgery or should i say surgries next week,work didn't go to well so it looks like i'm back on workers comp,see this is where i run into problems,if i was on the pills i wouldn't feel that overwhelming f***in pain and i could do the job,but on the other hand if i take the pills i eat way to many like the idiot my wife tells me i am[lmao] then i'm back to square one,everyone is telling me to get a diffrent line of work[including the doctor] i just hate to let all those years and benifits and money go down the toilet,oh well what the f***............vinny.
Vinny man Im sorry to hear that but on a good note that means you can visit us in the mornings again