We just found out that my sister 23 yrs old is a meth addict. She's been going to school (or we thought) for over 3 yrs now. She lives far away from the rest of us so visiting doesn't happen, maybe once a year or so. My mom goes and sees her a little more than the rest of us. Her mom and dad are split up too. Anyway, we got a call from my mom this week, she went out to visit my sister and the call was to tell us that she was a meth addict. Money that she was getting through my mom was not going toward rent or bills but for meth. She owes everybody money. So my brother and I drove 14 hrs to go out and move her home. My sister agreed and admitted she wants help with her addiction. She looks very weak and skinny, pale face and redness around the eyes. We are going to get her in for rehab right away well I guess they will assess her first of what I've been reading anyway. But I'm just concerned about the future with depression and suicidal thoughts, I pray to God she doesn't think about suicide because my Mom could not handle it at all. Anyone give me some insight on coming off Meth for younger females. Thanks!
Hi concerned brother,
Boy, how lucky was your sister that your mom went up there when she did. It is great that your sister recognizes she has a problem. There is much that comes with coming down off of drugs. Meth is tough. I think that if she does come clean she will still need lots of support around her. There is a reason why she started using and if she does not deal with issues that took her to the dark side (using)it may cause serious drepression or to use again. Love and caring concern help a lot. There is a void in all of us that are addicts and if we dont find something to fill it (besides drugs), it will be hard to stay off of them. It is great that you and your family are going out of your way to see to it that your sis is safe. Keep doing that but watch for signs of her using or depression. You know your sister. Watch her carefully. This is a tough fight. Keep reading the postings here. You will find much advice also to see how others are dealing.
Hope to talk to you soon,
Take care,
Boy, how lucky was your sister that your mom went up there when she did. It is great that your sister recognizes she has a problem. There is much that comes with coming down off of drugs. Meth is tough. I think that if she does come clean she will still need lots of support around her. There is a reason why she started using and if she does not deal with issues that took her to the dark side (using)it may cause serious drepression or to use again. Love and caring concern help a lot. There is a void in all of us that are addicts and if we dont find something to fill it (besides drugs), it will be hard to stay off of them. It is great that you and your family are going out of your way to see to it that your sis is safe. Keep doing that but watch for signs of her using or depression. You know your sister. Watch her carefully. This is a tough fight. Keep reading the postings here. You will find much advice also to see how others are dealing.
Hope to talk to you soon,
Take care,
Thanks Cathy that was very helpful and caring. My mom took her in to get assesed today and to find out what she is going to do. Do they go to rehab and stay there? Or do they come home to be with family and friends? Thanks again Cathy I'll talk to you later.
She is lucky to have a family so concrned for her . It also sounds as though she has taken the first big step, that is to admit she has a problem .Cathy's words are good ones to pay attention to . She understands addiction and doesnt beat around the bush. She has said just what she thinks to me , and I am grateful.I am addicted to this s*** , and have been for 35 years.Programs all operate in their own ways . After evaluation they may determine the addiction is,or is not severe enough to deal with on an outpatient program.People hate hearing this , but it is true , no program will work unless the person has the true desire to do so .At least the desire is always stronger than the craving.In this society where there is always so much to do , not enough time to do it .makes the craving even stronger. Like cathy says , voids in our lives cause cravings. depression makes us want more, not having it can cause depression . It will be a lifelong battle to not use.It will get easier over time , good nutrition ,and a fullfilling life will make it far easier. Support her, keep her busy doing things she enjoys, and away from who she gets it from or does it with . Not by saying no, or you cant go there, but by her wanting to be with and do something more enjoyable . One last thing , something else I have noticed about meth users(could be all drugs for all I know , just more familiar with speedfreaks) they (we) can be very good at giving the answers people want to hear. Not saying she is , but as an example . your sisters agreeing so easily to go to rehab might be just a way of getting mom off her back , making mom feel better.Even she might not be aware that her addiction is calling the shots, so pay attention to what she's up to after treatment. I have wanted to quit for a long time , and as cathy said to me she had her doubts about me wanting to stop, I had to question myself . best of luck to your family and sister.knowledge and love is the key