Sleep? Get Better?

Hi Everyone,
I'm on my fifth dat c/t from hydro and feel good until bedtime. I also cut back my xanax yesterday to .25 all day until 1 am when took 1mg to help me sleep but i think I waited to lomg again because i didn't sleep worth a durn.Is there anything that is over the counter I can get? Will my body say enough is enough and I'll finally just fall asleep? I took a natural sleep aide before i went to bed and it seemed to make me sleepy but i couldn't fall asleep. I really could use some advice. is this normal and when can i expect a good nights sleep. If I'm going to take the xanax should I just go ahead and take to relax and sleep or hold out as long as I can? I know these are alot of questions but I need to know. Thanks so much.
Trying..although I am "anti-Xanax", just take it for now..wait until you are free of the Vic's before...don't quit both at the same time..dangerous!..if the X helps..just take it..and after the Vic is completely gone..make the decision to quit the X...
Watch out when taking Zanax. It's very, very addicting as well. Coming off Xanax or any benzo is dangerous. So if you can get some professional medical advice.

In regards to sleeping at night I personally found OTC sleeping meds didn't help at all.

I did go to a health food store and bought 'Sleep Time Tea' or "Nighty Night' tea.
I take either 1 or 2 cups 30-45 minutes before bed and it really worked well for me. Im also 6'0 and 210 pounds so if it can put me to sleep Im sure it can help you.

Its the only stuff I found that helped other then addicting benzo meds.
Thanks for the reply. That really what i am watching is the xanax. I'm sure I'm somewhat dependent ont hem but not like i was the hydro. I've actually both both herbal and otc today and will try them to see if I can rest. I really do hope i do not have to take any of that other mess. Anyway Thanks again and post again soon.