
Does anyone know the REASON for sneezing and yawning when going thru w/d? My brother in law is constantly doing both - and he is a mechanic, which is almost dangerous.
Anyone with medical expertise that can say WHY that happens? It's really odd.

Not sure why, but everyone does it. The sneezing drove me nuts.

Bless you,

I dont know but Im 30 days clean and still have at least 2 sneezing fits a day Probably the body getting rid of the poisons
I think I sneezed for about 2 months after I became clean...........It was the strangest thing! I remember many others telling me the same symptoms of withdraw happened to them also........We know that opiates really do a number on our central nervous systems while we continue to abuse them.........once they are leaving our bodies many changes take place..........I am sure that your respiratory system begins to return to its original function..........thus your nose and the sensors within it are starting to react to the environment again as they should be.........Thus the sneezing begins........At least this is what made sense to me.........Not to mention that your body is releasing all of those toxins and they come out of everywhere!

God Bless, Rus
I sneezed like crazy it was annoying as all get out........ But that was one of the easiest side effects thats for sure. I think its your bodies way of readjusting and getting rid of all the left over junk thats in your body.
Re: sneezing

All of the above are logical reasons why we sneeze during WD. Me? I sneezed in 4's & 5's at a time numerous times a day starting around day 4-5 of CT. Here I am at day 15 clean and I still sneeze but now they are hard sneezes and I always had allergies to mold and pollen which is high here in central Texas.

I can deal with sneezing- that's the easy part---Ah-Choo
Come on its gods way of getting it all out of your brain. I love the sneezing I am at 47 days and still sneezing..........Keep Sneezing...........Jessica
Ive been sneezing my head off too--- i keep blaming it on my husband telling him he needs to change the air filter---These toxins seem to come out of every orifice it can find!!
The medical reason is related to the mucious membranes and the depression of their function for so long. The same thing happens with the bowels. The membranes and their functions are slowed during use (result constipation and drier sinuses.) Reverse the effect for detoxing. Everything is more sensitive in that effect.

Hint; Stay away from chile.
Wow - lots of information! Thank you for that!
I was on narcotic pain relief for QUITE a long time and just got sick of being sleepy. I didn't take more than indicated. I didn't have the sneezing fit when I stopped, though. So - I didn't know what he was going thru. I only had the Immodium problem.
Interesting information about the upper respiratory functions, etc. Very interesting. If anyone knows of any research papers, etc on that subject, I would love to know what they are and how to get to them!