
I think that my 13 year old son is sniffing the cement that he bought for his model car a couple months ago. He has had unusual mood swings, and spent the night over to his friends house last sat. night, and cam back the next day feeling "sick"?????? Now this has happened like this a couple of times before.?? I have found his cement tube empty, and I am very worried.?????? If ANYONE can help me, and knows the signs of someone sniffing this, PLEASE e-mail me back, PLEASE and talk to me about this. I thank-you very much, just for listening.

Light-headed, mood swings, nausea, loss of appetite, general withdrawal, glazed over appearance. More importantly, you may want to convey to him the seriousness of sniffing glue and how he is killing off brain cells every time he does it. Sniffing glue is very detrimental to one's body/brain/life.