So True..

A very nice person sent this to me..probably to a few of us. Thought it was worth sharing here today..always makes me think.

Who in my life will make me happy? Do I look to others when I'm feeling discouraged, sad, or lonely? Do I want someone to help me feel better?

I hold within myself the ability to be happy. I don't have to put expectations on others to make me feel loved or special. I don't have to look for a new relationship to be happy. I can find it within me. When I try to be happy because of other people, it means they have the power to take my happiness away. When I make myself happy, I'm the one in control of my emotions.

Today I will remember that I'm the one who's responsible for my happiness, not someone else. I don't have to look for someone else to fix my low self-esteem or attitude. Even though I can be upset by some people or feel happy when I'm with others, I'm the one who's creating these feelings because I have the ability to do so.

The only person who makes me feel a certain way is me.
Oh how well I am learning this one....hahahaha, in my self imposed exile from EVERYONE I know! hahahaha. I am grateful for the quiet this place holds for me.

Just me, myself, my husband and two outstanding border collies who heeled up so good this afternoon when I took them on their jog "while I ride my bike" to the park. They are doing so good on their leash and me on wheels. Kinda scary, but I am expecting them to do well!

Love ya Lisa.

I needed this.
I have also been on a "self-imposed exile." I am coming up on 60 days clean but I am having a tough time facing the judgement of other people. I know how I am supposed to feel, but I am not yet able to put it into practice. I am really trying for that inner-serenity and self-confidence. I hope I am getting there.

Hey Lisa and Everyone,

I didn't receive this but over the years I have learned this (more than once) Actually it makes you feel so much stronger when you realize that YOU are the one responsible for your emotions. And if I struggle, for those of you with a higher power, I ask Him to lead the way. I get lost, don't know what to say or do, which path do I take. I go to a quiet place with an open honest heart think about what I want to express and thank Him for what I already have. He already knows what I need, I just have to ask. For me it's that simple. It's not like BOOM I receive a magic answer. I fell better having meditated on the problem and asking for guidance. I still struggle don't get me wrong, but I am not powerless. The more I practice the better I do. Great post Lisa, thank you! I am off to try to get a few groceries (ugh) lol and buy a kickity kick ball for Lily.

Everyone have a great clean and sober day,

That's such a good one, Lisa.
I've certainly had enough reasons not to be happy if I chose, but who wants that?
And btw, your friendship brings me much happiness.
Happiness can be a choice, not always an easy one..but one none the less. Today I choose to be happy, healthy and drug free.