Soma- Muscle Relaxer


Wanted to ask a question and make a comment. I have an L5 and L1 disc problem in my back. This is what started me on my way to addiction with pain pills. (although I know looking back I was addicted to other things before the pain meds). Anyway while shoveling I really wrenched my back so I went to my PCP and she knows I am on suboxone yet she STILL wrote me a script for Soma a muscle relaxer. I said no thank you can I just have some strong Ibuprofin. I can't believe she would give me a script for those.

It's amazing. I just thank God I didn't take the script.
Good for you. Back in the day my dr wanted to throw me on methadone for pain and 86'd that ideas. I was shocked he even mentioned it. I have come to the conclusion that i have to be vigilent with my dr everytime he wants to place a medication for me I have to question him. He is very young 30 yrs old and I think I am a challenge for him, but I can't allow a DR to script just anything and expect me to take without asking why.
Your right you have to really question these Drs.

My back is still killing though even with these 600mgs of Ibuprofin. Wish there was something that helped... Stretching and moving helps more than sitting like I do all day at work.
Hi Beebah, sorry about your back. When you went to the dr. What did you want him/her to do for you? And I'm an curious, I hear people say sub. Is used for pain....does is do anything for pain? When I was on it I never really took note?
I'm trying to be a jackass about the dr. question things can sound different when typed rather than said. Just wondering what some of the options could have been to help you? The ibuprophen also comes in 800mgs. They say its different then taking 4 200mg over the counter ones? How about one of those icy hot patches?
Lynn....When I read that the exact question popped in my head...what did you want the dr to do for you. I'm not trying to be a jackass. I sincerely wondered this. Were you wanting a script for ibruprophen? To me that is a wonder drug that I never thought was worth my time when using. Now, I know how well it actually works.
No good questions your not being jackasses at all.

I wanted the strong Ibuprofin. Like RKT said I never thought it did a damn when I was using but boy does it work now. Well not so good now but I think it's a combo of the cold weather and everything too.

Also in Massachusetts where I live you have to get a script from your Dr. to go to Physical therapy and I wanted to try that again now that I'm not using and see if that helps too.

Thanks for asking I would have thought the same things if some else did that too.
Oh, i forgot to say Good for you for turning the soma script down! Glad that you are still doing good with recovery!
My reg dr. Of about 13 years knows I'm an addict. He will still give me darvocet.
Its funny how ibuprophen works when you stop taking 30 percs a day....
I used to see a doctor in Chinatown for accupuncture. He said it doesn't work for all people or all problems but it is good for back pain. It worked for me. I was a big skeptic. IMO chiropractors are the best for backs and a good massage can't hurt, especially when the muscles are in spasm

If your back is strained I think rest is good along with ice and gentle stretching and aleve or ibuprofen. These days I swear by Aleve.

I am not a doctor so this is just advice from one who used to suffer with back pain. How long ago did you hurt it and did you have an x-rays?

Also that was good of you to turn down the Soma script. Nasty drug.