Some Good News

I thought about posting this for three days. I just wanted to post some motherly pride. My 13 year old ice hockey goalie is playing with the University of Delaware College Team this weekend. The coach scouted her and asked her to scrimmage with her team. She (and I) are full of pride. The only thing was hockey season ended last weekend. I thought we were going to have the next month off! The life of a hockey mom is not easy. Ask Sarah!
That's so cool Alice. She must be a heck of a player! It's so nice to read about someone being proud of thier child for a change....
I love her but she's a pain in the a**.

Sounds mean but she just pulled out her Latin Book at 9pm and told me she has a major test tomorrow. Can I help her study? She's been watching tv for two hours and just now remembered. I remember the good old days when you never even brought a book home from school. LOL
Hey Alice, sounds like just what she needs after the year she's had. That is major 'cred' with her teammates and peers and should give her a nice boost. Justifiable parental pride and total bragging rights...hers is an impressive accomplishment and I'll keep my eyes on the sports page for her name ;-)

Yay! MomNMore
Alice,that is great news! I love hockey. All 3 of my sons played in HS and my 2 oldest grandchildren play(Jake&Jennah) As much as i loved watching my sons play,watching the girls play is super exciting. They have so much heart.

You know,when your daughter(s)? Cant both play? Came to Adirondack to play a month or so ago,thats the same ice my sons and grandchildren play/played on.The rink is 5 minutes from my house.

And for her to be a goalie,she must be pretty tough! Do you have any pictures?I would love to see them.~KIM
Thanks Lisa, Mom and Kim - Hockey is an exciting sport. I have to hold my breath alot. When she was 4 she told me that she new what she wanted to do with her life. (This was at about midnight and I couldn't get her to go to sleep). She said, "Mom I was born to be a goalie"! That's when I figured I would take her for skating lessons. I truly just want her to have fun out there. So many of the parents are insanely screaming at the kids. One Mom I heard screaming from the car, "you suck". I think if she played a bad game I would be more gentle. No wonder kids lives are so stressed. I don't believe in making them run from lesson to lesson. They play outside alot.

The school called today and she was really sick have strange symptoms. Disoriented, visual changes, pins and needles in her finger. She started shaking and crying. She was complaining of neck pain and pain in her eye. I told her to the doctors and they diagnosed her with a "classical migraine". Anybody have any experience with them? She was also real light sensitive. Came home and is crashed out in a dark room. I hope that this is a onetime deal. The doctor said what she had before the headache was called an "aura". They are a blessing to migraine sufferers because they can sometimes illeviate some of the headache pain. They usually come 30 minutes before the headache arrives. She was prescribed naproxen.
I started getting migraines in the seventh grade and they scared the hell out of me. I was sure I was dying. I never did find a way to fix them. If Brooke comes along I know she has experience with them also. I get what I call "sparkles" which is the aura and most of the time there is no pain. I just can't see anything for a while. It just fades away by itself.
OMG, the exact same thing happened to my daughter on her 13th birthday. She was diagnosed with a migraine, but she never had shot lucky for her...maybe your girl will be just as fortunate.

You could not pay me to be 13 again =/

Congrats to your daughter. I can understand your pride. I have a daughter that will be 13 next month and for the past two years she's won the state wide art contest for her age group. I'm in awe of her. I always had such low self esteem as a child and teenager I never bothered to try out for anything. It's so wonderful for us to see our children not just succeeding but being happy and proud of themselves. I'm so happy for you and your daughter! Peace.


Wow, Alice, that is very impressive for a 13 year old! You have every reason to be proud. The best revenge is doing good, and she's doing great!

I feel the same way about my son and his BMX riding. He is so passionate about it and lives to ride a bicycle. He's been this way since he was 5 1/2 years old, and the things that kid can do on a bike will scare the heck out of the faint of heart. I am so proud of the hard work and devotion he has for it, as well as being grateful that he has something he loves so much. Many adults never find a passion, a love, and it's a blessing to have it so young. Don't you agree? At least you get an off-season, BMX is year round.

Ya'll have a great time to the games!