Somebody Im Confussed

my ex boyfriend (he wants me back) says he has cut out the top up meth he was bying on the street, and reduced his perscribed amount by 20mg h(he could'nt even do that when he was with me over 2 years), and his nan (cos i wont see him only just split up 2 weeks ago) said he is fine and has no withd syptoms, i think his lying to her or using something else? he works all hours, and when he was with me gave most of his money to me, i dont understand! if he was a real addict he would'nt have any money right? is there any test he could have to see how much meth he has been taking, or to detect any other drugs? i have rewritten as know body replied, and i just want to know can you take herion, or crack with out anybody detecting it like his nan? and if he was a real addict surley he would'nt have any money!!! i know i have split up with him but its important to me cos istill care, i dont know why though xxx
Hi Lou!

Maybe noboby replied because nobody understood why you still care... That's not the case with me at the moment. I know why you care, it's easy to understand. You share your life with someone and they hurt you and let you down. It's happened to all of us. Probably happened to you too before. Instead of figuring out the answers to the moot questions you posed, spend time asking yourself what drew you to him in the first place... That's where you'll find all the answers...

Good luck & God Bless!