Sometimes Things Get Very Confusing

This might come off as vague , and certainly open to cliche, but sometimes, it seems no matter what I do, things seem to not work. I often end up with the same result no matter what - now maybe these kinds of things happen to everyone, where even though they are innocent- they are treated guilty and sometimes found guilty for a long time.

I know one girl who lost her child for almost a year because she told the truth which was true but not believed, and has she only told a slight lie, all would have been OK. Like I said, it took almost a year of therapy before she could be certified as having been "OK" and done nothing wrong.

So I guess compaired to stuff like that, or like what happened to Hurricaine Carter, my problems are nothing.

Just the same, if I act myself,say in a working situation, I am completely misperceived by most -unless I have an exceptional boss, but even then, when I do whatever it is well, sometimes exceptional, there always seems to be someone who sees me as a threat.

I'm confused and stressed right now, and I'm not expressing myself very well.

When I started this post, I was thinking about some problems I am having with my wife, and when thinking, after being angry at her, just how many of our problems might be my fault - I got confused and just didn't know. I TRY TO BE HONEST with myself, and that works both ways. The easyist (sp) thing is to sometimes blame yourself, cause then there is something you can change. But I really tried to look at specific things from her point of view, and my anger did dissipate. Or at least I was able to defer it, which I think is a good thing when I'm not sure.

Well, I'm glad this isn't an English Test for clarity of ideas, but it would sure be nice to have real life friends that you could talk to do about stuff like this.

I wish y'all well

We're addicts. So in most social situations, if there's a problem, I assume I am at least partially at fault. Thus far, after reflection, I have found that to be true in almost all cases.
Someday I hope to be so filled with the holy spirit that my thoughts, words and actions will just naturally be proper in all situations. That's my goal. I will never attain it.
Even if I did, normies are people too. Even the words and deeds of Jesus are bound to be misconstrued by some. I have no control over the perceptions of others. All I can do is try to do the next right thing, and if I screw up, try to correct it.
I find that I can, and should, be brutally honest with myself. But that same brutal honesty is often not the next right thing when applied to others.

My buddy's girlfriend asked me if she was an alcoholic. I replied, "Of course you are."
Wrong answer. There was a better way to handle it, I figured out too late...