Son Who Smokes Crank

I am 52 years old and have a 32 year old son who smokes crank. He denies that he has a problem. He is currently on probation, and does not have a job. He is either sleeping all the time.....or so busy in a whirlwind trying to do everything at once, and actually not acheiving anything or really messing stuff up.
I just got a divorce after being married for 33 years, and my husband used him as the main excuse...although he moved in with an old female co-worker and likes to date with a clear conscience.
I guess what I am there a support group out there for people who are living with drug addicts.....something to help us get our lives back??

Please let me know of any support groups for ME......and is Al-anon only for families of alcholics?

Hi M.,

I'm sorry to hear about your situation, it must be difficult... This place a great to air out whatever is bothering you as well as for questions of advice.

There are many support groups for people who have addicts around them. If you find an NA chapter around your place, it would be a great place to start.

Good luck & God Bless!
Al-anon. And don't let him continue to live with you if he is not seeking help or admitting to a problem. An actively using addict, not wanting help, will eat you up and spit you out. I know, I was one.

Let him live with dad for a while...maybe dad will have less time to participate in his selfish desires and focus on what is real. A potentially dead son.

So sorry you are feeling neglected and used. PLEASE seek out a better life for YOU...
I am somewhat older than the intial poster and just discovered last week that my daughter - the treasure of my life - is a crank addict. I have gone to a couple of NarAnon meetings and it helps. They are not particularly in favor of intervention, and do not offer a whole lot of solutions, but it helps to go. Whatever horror story you've got, there's someone there with a worse one. My daughter is a fabulously talented performing artist, but has low self-esteem - yes, I know, it's all in her head. I am still in the devastation and shock stage, so forgive me if I seem naive - I'm doing my best with a BAD situation.
Hi Auntie!

My prayers are with you both.

Good luck & God Bless,
I am also living with my son who is only 18 years old, but is doing meth. My husband and I are about going crazy not knowing what to do with our son. I have just picked up a restraining order because we have had so many "incidents" happen, and we have both decided that we cannot let our son turn our family upside down anymore. He did not graduate, does not work, does do nothing all day. I sympathize with you. The next move for us is to serve our son with this restraning order the next time he messes up. Then when we call the police, he will go to jail. Our hope is that when this happens, he will make the decision to go to re-hap instead of being in jail. You never know how these things will end up. I wish you strength, and hope for your future.