We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.
Teilhard de Chardin
What do you think? This quote came up toninght in group when some talked about having a hard time with the spiritual piece of recovery.
Right on.
I think we are both human and spirt. having both a human and spirutal expereince.
It has been my Human expereince that while I was under the control of the Sick part of my Brain (Human-addiction-flesh) I was incapbable of having a TRUE spiritual connection.
So I understand that stuggle, all to well.
In fact I was unable to stay clean until I said, I won't use no matter what. If I never experience God or if I meet him, face to face I will not f***ing Use, No Matter what. this dope is f***ing killing me in a way that is insanely Brutal , the totrture of my lonlinees, the degradation of Joe so unbearable, The fear so all engrossing. If I die, I will not use. If I live I will not use.
That thought bought me my first 24 hrs clean. I will never ever forget it. I use it everyday.
As long the thought stuggling with the spiritual side of the program, which I learned was nothing more than a creation of my addict mind. Was allowed entry into my mind and allow to reside there I had more than enough juice to overcome the guilt of the firsy 100 Vicidn ES purchase.
(I think they call that a Reservation)---in program terms.
Just for today if i get caught got up in the fleshly desires or knee deep in a blissful spiritual experince, no dope.
One is to Many and a Thousand never enough..
It has been my Human expereince that while I was under the control of the Sick part of my Brain (Human-addiction-flesh) I was incapbable of having a TRUE spiritual connection.
So I understand that stuggle, all to well.
In fact I was unable to stay clean until I said, I won't use no matter what. If I never experience God or if I meet him, face to face I will not f***ing Use, No Matter what. this dope is f***ing killing me in a way that is insanely Brutal , the totrture of my lonlinees, the degradation of Joe so unbearable, The fear so all engrossing. If I die, I will not use. If I live I will not use.
That thought bought me my first 24 hrs clean. I will never ever forget it. I use it everyday.
As long the thought stuggling with the spiritual side of the program, which I learned was nothing more than a creation of my addict mind. Was allowed entry into my mind and allow to reside there I had more than enough juice to overcome the guilt of the firsy 100 Vicidn ES purchase.
(I think they call that a Reservation)---in program terms.
Just for today if i get caught got up in the fleshly desires or knee deep in a blissful spiritual experince, no dope.
One is to Many and a Thousand never enough..
good morning Joe and Bryan
Im going to "steal" that quote for the day, going to put it on my fb.
Joe, you never cease to make me read your posts and be in awe
polarbear hugs
Im going to "steal" that quote for the day, going to put it on my fb.
Joe, you never cease to make me read your posts and be in awe
polarbear hugs
timely for me, thank you
"Every situation, properly perceived, becomes an opportunity to heal."
A Course in Miracles
What did I learn from my relapse?
That this is a chronic, progressive disease. That i need to forgive myself for failures.
A Course in Miracles
What did I learn from my relapse?
That this is a chronic, progressive disease. That i need to forgive myself for failures.
"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. |
I like that!
AMEN. I am and addict I can always find "reasons" to be angry, hurt, lonely and tired. I can always see the wrongs of others loooong before I see my own fault in it. And some people and things you cannot change. So you pray for the acceptance. But I never go down without a fight. Letting go is not something I do easily. Welcome to the board. Have a great day. Glad to see that your giving your recovery another shot. That takes alot of guts.
Much love and respect,
AMEN. I am and addict I can always find "reasons" to be angry, hurt, lonely and tired. I can always see the wrongs of others loooong before I see my own fault in it. And some people and things you cannot change. So you pray for the acceptance. But I never go down without a fight. Letting go is not something I do easily. Welcome to the board. Have a great day. Glad to see that your giving your recovery another shot. That takes alot of guts.
Much love and respect,
Hey Now
------> that i need to forgive myself for failures.
Or change my perception of what failure is.
Failures don't really require forgiveness, maybe understanding. As to What transpired that produced this negative outcome.
Or better yet, How do you know it was a failure, I mean what makes something a failure. And why am I judging this event in the old grade scale of sucess or failure in the first place.
Until we changed our OLD WAY OF THINKING
Sins----are the things that need forgiveness, and that would imply you beileve in Sin. Which would then imply you believe in God. If that be the case, well than the wisdom would dictate only God can forgive my sins. So when I try to forgive my sins, well I'm playing god and that was the issue in the first place. Now I understand Through his grace I can forgive those who have tresspassed against me, which helps llighten the load.
See my disease of addiction wants me to try to do things that are impossible for me to do, here are some.
Stop Using on My Own.---I need something beside what I got in me to remain drug free. That something is step 2.
Forgive myself--Can't do that either. I mean I can come to better understanding of why I did what I did and do what I do, I can move past what I have done to others and what others have done to me, I can even forgive others with the requested power of God.
See I pray daily this line, it's pretty straight forword.
Forgive us our tresspasses as we forgive those who tresspass against us.
See I pray because I believe in God and the power of prayer. Adn while this beilef is not meeded to remain drug free, I know several people who no longer us dope who are non=beleivers.
However, if you are choosing the 12 step path out of the darkness it does bring this into play.
I think the first step for me was admitting that dope was going to kill me, that i could not remain drug free on my own, and then the MOST IMPORTANT ADMISSION FOR ME, the one that took oh 12 years to get, I HAVE NO f***ING IDEA HOW TO GET OUT OF THE DARKNESS!!!
I guess if you don't beileive in God and Sin and Spirtual warfare and stuff like that. Then it would just be a mateer of no longer Blaming yourself or others for the events your life.
So I just wnated to point out a pattern from back in MY past, it may not apply to you at all.
I confused, guilt and addict thinking. Real guilt, changes your behavior in a very healthy positve way, it keeps you from repeating the same mistakes and sins
Addictive Thinking has no impact on your behavior at all, in fact it has been my experience that when I am trying to forgive myself, well I am under the control of the beast. The beast likes to wind up in one spot, it's the only spot it knows where to go, that's why it;s alive. It cares nothing about anything but DOPE. So it's first thought is Man Joe, you got to forgive yourself, Next thought is your a f***ing guilty peice of s***, next thought self pity next shot-oxycotin in my arm.
But hey that's me.
Keep on Growing
------> that i need to forgive myself for failures.
Or change my perception of what failure is.
Failures don't really require forgiveness, maybe understanding. As to What transpired that produced this negative outcome.
Or better yet, How do you know it was a failure, I mean what makes something a failure. And why am I judging this event in the old grade scale of sucess or failure in the first place.
Until we changed our OLD WAY OF THINKING
Sins----are the things that need forgiveness, and that would imply you beileve in Sin. Which would then imply you believe in God. If that be the case, well than the wisdom would dictate only God can forgive my sins. So when I try to forgive my sins, well I'm playing god and that was the issue in the first place. Now I understand Through his grace I can forgive those who have tresspassed against me, which helps llighten the load.
See my disease of addiction wants me to try to do things that are impossible for me to do, here are some.
Stop Using on My Own.---I need something beside what I got in me to remain drug free. That something is step 2.
Forgive myself--Can't do that either. I mean I can come to better understanding of why I did what I did and do what I do, I can move past what I have done to others and what others have done to me, I can even forgive others with the requested power of God.
See I pray daily this line, it's pretty straight forword.
Forgive us our tresspasses as we forgive those who tresspass against us.
See I pray because I believe in God and the power of prayer. Adn while this beilef is not meeded to remain drug free, I know several people who no longer us dope who are non=beleivers.
However, if you are choosing the 12 step path out of the darkness it does bring this into play.
I think the first step for me was admitting that dope was going to kill me, that i could not remain drug free on my own, and then the MOST IMPORTANT ADMISSION FOR ME, the one that took oh 12 years to get, I HAVE NO f***ING IDEA HOW TO GET OUT OF THE DARKNESS!!!
I guess if you don't beileive in God and Sin and Spirtual warfare and stuff like that. Then it would just be a mateer of no longer Blaming yourself or others for the events your life.
So I just wnated to point out a pattern from back in MY past, it may not apply to you at all.
I confused, guilt and addict thinking. Real guilt, changes your behavior in a very healthy positve way, it keeps you from repeating the same mistakes and sins
Addictive Thinking has no impact on your behavior at all, in fact it has been my experience that when I am trying to forgive myself, well I am under the control of the beast. The beast likes to wind up in one spot, it's the only spot it knows where to go, that's why it;s alive. It cares nothing about anything but DOPE. So it's first thought is Man Joe, you got to forgive yourself, Next thought is your a f***ing guilty peice of s***, next thought self pity next shot-oxycotin in my arm.
But hey that's me.
Keep on Growing
The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.
Thanks deadhead. It's all in how you look at things.
Thanks deadhead. It's all in how you look at things.
Indeed it does, Byan indeed it does.
Be Content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.
Lao tse
Grateful to be alive. Content to be sober today.
Lao tse
Grateful to be alive. Content to be sober today.
Nobody grows old merely by living a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals.
Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.
Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.
Kee Kee!!!! How are you? It's so good to see you posting!
Sorry Bryant for this thread interruption....just had to say hi to Kee Kee!
Sorry Bryant for this thread interruption....just had to say hi to Kee Kee!
Hiya Rhonda!
So awesome to read these threads and see some of the old-timers here and posting away, helping and doing their part to keep this place going!
I am really good. I have been clean from PP's since Nov 2007 and Sub since Dec 2009. Things are good. I did get mixed up with benzo's for about 5 months but that is behind me know...I will post about that debacle sometime soon, along with other changes in my crazy life.
How are you darlin? I have some time tonight so I am going to try to catch up here. I hope that all is right with you. Are you teaching? I think you were going to teach....right?
This is a good thread. I love inspirational quotes!!
Big hugs....
So awesome to read these threads and see some of the old-timers here and posting away, helping and doing their part to keep this place going!
I am really good. I have been clean from PP's since Nov 2007 and Sub since Dec 2009. Things are good. I did get mixed up with benzo's for about 5 months but that is behind me know...I will post about that debacle sometime soon, along with other changes in my crazy life.
How are you darlin? I have some time tonight so I am going to try to catch up here. I hope that all is right with you. Are you teaching? I think you were going to teach....right?
This is a good thread. I love inspirational quotes!!
Big hugs....
This was in my morning meditation the other morning:
I know there is a graceful way of being right and many ways to be wrong.
Today I am trying to "get" that, practice it.
I know there is a graceful way of being right and many ways to be wrong.
Today I am trying to "get" that, practice it.