The more I think about it, the more I realize I like the term Spode instead of recovering addict or junkie.
I even like Dainas dividing it into masculine & feminen. So, the general word would be spode, a male spode would be a spoder & a female would be a spodet. It might also be beneficial (lest anyone feel discriminated) to have a term for gay spodes & maybe even one for transexual spodes.
Oh, just in case u missed what a spode is, it is the new, politically correct term for those of us who have the terrible habit of referring to ourselves and other junkies as junkies or recovering junkies. I guess that term is supposed to offend me & others like me.
Well, I find the term 'addict' or 'recovering addict'- I don't know, too bothersome or clinical or something. So after 40 days and nights of focused contemplation on this imprtant matter, I felt that Spode filled the appropriate requirements of a politically correct form of Junkie. Dianna greatly enhanced the word by making male& female words.
By the way, SPODE MEANS: Special People with an Overwhelming Desire for Euphoria.
Now , maybe someone can up with a theme song for spodes. I was thinking something to the tune of Mr. Ed.
"A spoedis a spode.............................
thats as far as i can get right now. adios & have an as$ kicken day.
Love, Harry
An official spoder (Hey, is there a Spoder Man & what special powers would he have?)
Hey fellow spoder, I'm a spoder too. My drug of choice is heroin. I was so addicted at one point that when I first went on methadone I would still use on top to get high. I guess at the time I wasn't ready to let go of the rush. I still miss it, spode explaines it all! It's going to be a nusance to keep explaining what spode means at first, but I hope the term catches. I really hate the term junkie it's degrading. My dad calls me that all the time, he would say to my mom "are you talking to that stupid junkie on the phone again" I know he knows that I can hear him when he does that, so he was doing that on purpose.
I'm going to think of a theme song too. My spodie powers would be: to cure all dope sick people with an electricte endorphrine beams from my mind to their mind's. :)
Hey fellow spoder, I'm a spoder too. My drug of choice is heroin. I was so addicted at one point that when I first went on methadone I would still use on top to get high. I guess at the time I wasn't ready to let go of the rush. I still miss it, spode explaines it all! It's going to be a nusance to keep explaining what spode means at first, but I hope the term catches. I really hate the term junkie it's degrading. My dad calls me that all the time, he would say to my mom "are you talking to that stupid junkie on the phone again" I know he knows that I can hear him when he does that, so he was doing that on purpose.
I'm going to think of a theme song too. My spodie powers would be: to cure all dope sick people with an electricte endorphrine beams from my mind to their mind's. :)
Like spodet. Like you I always used junkie. A spade is a spade and a rose by any other name still uses, right. This spodet likes it!
you could use the term pink spode...on the meeting list for the gay and lesbians.
I went to a meeting sunday with that group, and I must say, they are REAL. I am hetero, but to each his own.
I think you are on to something, Dog..
I went to a meeting sunday with that group, and I must say, they are REAL. I am hetero, but to each his own.
I think you are on to something, Dog..
Travis, it's too bad your father tries to degrade you like that. In that context the word junkie would definitely offend me (and probably any word he used.).
Your post touches on a lot. For example, in Buffalo , there was this recovered, (or recovering- whatever u want to say) addict who had been clean for many, many years. From what I understand, not only did he entirely turn his life around, but became active in recovery programs, some politics i think, etc. Now I didn't know this guy personally, I talked to him once on the phone, and perhaps it was a bad day for him, but he was a rude, arrogent , jerk to me. But then, I guess politics & power can do that to many people. But that is not the point of my story at all (just a little sidenote.).
To me, and many other people, he represented hope and respect in the straight world. Here was an acknowledged ex-drug user who stood tall and didn't hide his drug using past. Just the opposite-he used it to build a careet in recovery, helped with some public awareness, and headed at least one major detox/recovery program.
In spite of all this accomplishment, his detractors, political rivals, & many straight people in general who didn't like him referred to him as "that junkie.":
(meaning that worthless piece of subhuman crap, that failure, etc, etc.) In that case the term is almost racist, definitely dehuminizing & degrading.
I think if you look into it, people who use such terms in such a degrading fashion have serious issues of their own. I think it is similar, if not identical, to people who use racial terms in order to offend or put down others. When words like that are used like that, the user feels a sense of power to mask their own feelings of inferiority: Well maybe I am a lazy piece of sh*t who has accomplished nothing in my life, maybe i waste too much money on beer & buy drinks at the corner bar for these young girls who i know have & never will have any interest in me other then getting free drinks from me, maybe my wife and kids see me for what a phony I am, but at least I'm not a junkie, junkie- so I'm better then you, way better.
Your post touches on a lot. For example, in Buffalo , there was this recovered, (or recovering- whatever u want to say) addict who had been clean for many, many years. From what I understand, not only did he entirely turn his life around, but became active in recovery programs, some politics i think, etc. Now I didn't know this guy personally, I talked to him once on the phone, and perhaps it was a bad day for him, but he was a rude, arrogent , jerk to me. But then, I guess politics & power can do that to many people. But that is not the point of my story at all (just a little sidenote.).
To me, and many other people, he represented hope and respect in the straight world. Here was an acknowledged ex-drug user who stood tall and didn't hide his drug using past. Just the opposite-he used it to build a careet in recovery, helped with some public awareness, and headed at least one major detox/recovery program.
In spite of all this accomplishment, his detractors, political rivals, & many straight people in general who didn't like him referred to him as "that junkie.":
(meaning that worthless piece of subhuman crap, that failure, etc, etc.) In that case the term is almost racist, definitely dehuminizing & degrading.
I think if you look into it, people who use such terms in such a degrading fashion have serious issues of their own. I think it is similar, if not identical, to people who use racial terms in order to offend or put down others. When words like that are used like that, the user feels a sense of power to mask their own feelings of inferiority: Well maybe I am a lazy piece of sh*t who has accomplished nothing in my life, maybe i waste too much money on beer & buy drinks at the corner bar for these young girls who i know have & never will have any interest in me other then getting free drinks from me, maybe my wife and kids see me for what a phony I am, but at least I'm not a junkie, junkie- so I'm better then you, way better.
Hey Kerry, why is it that we straight people, whenever we point out something positve about gay people, always make a point of saying "but I'm hetero"
LOL. I do it too Kerry, though I think I've learned to be more subtle (notice I said "we" straight people.
And the thing is, girls are allowed to be gay anyhow. If I was a girl, I would be.
Seriously though,for the most part , in my dealings with people, gay people usually seem to be moresensitive, kinder, fairer people then straights. Maybe it's because of the discrimination and rejection they grew up with.
Though the gay people have their share of meanies too. I remember once, several years ago, when I was selling cars, i said something to offend the girlish (i hope thats the right term) guy. They had spent about an hour or more with me test driving some vehicle, and they put in some stupid offer on it (Like $9,000.00 on a $20,000.00 vehicle. When I told them I couln't even present an offer like that, they said that was the most they were willing to go. So I asked them what they had been waisting my time . Well the girl guy goes oh no, dont & walks out. The macho man kind of went nuts, threatened to kill me , etc, etc. He really flipped. Lookin back & rememberin that crazed look in his eyes, & how set off he got, & how the other was so afraid, I have to now conclude that he had been somewhere an the middle of a crank binge, and thathe also was abusive to his spouse.
But really and truelly, for the most part, I have found gay people to be more sensitive & more decent people then straights.
LOL. I do it too Kerry, though I think I've learned to be more subtle (notice I said "we" straight people.
And the thing is, girls are allowed to be gay anyhow. If I was a girl, I would be.
Seriously though,for the most part , in my dealings with people, gay people usually seem to be moresensitive, kinder, fairer people then straights. Maybe it's because of the discrimination and rejection they grew up with.
Though the gay people have their share of meanies too. I remember once, several years ago, when I was selling cars, i said something to offend the girlish (i hope thats the right term) guy. They had spent about an hour or more with me test driving some vehicle, and they put in some stupid offer on it (Like $9,000.00 on a $20,000.00 vehicle. When I told them I couln't even present an offer like that, they said that was the most they were willing to go. So I asked them what they had been waisting my time . Well the girl guy goes oh no, dont & walks out. The macho man kind of went nuts, threatened to kill me , etc, etc. He really flipped. Lookin back & rememberin that crazed look in his eyes, & how set off he got, & how the other was so afraid, I have to now conclude that he had been somewhere an the middle of a crank binge, and thathe also was abusive to his spouse.
But really and truelly, for the most part, I have found gay people to be more sensitive & more decent people then straights.
Harry for you and Travis,
I must say that you both struck a chord in me today. I titled my post with the word "junkie" and you know that wasn't right.........Because I know many people who use that term just as you described with pure negativity and disgust.....When my husband talks to me he says, I am a junkie, so I hear it from him, but I should know better than to use it like I did today.
I am sorry if it cause either of you or anyone else on the board any heartache......
And to you Travis well all of you never for one second ever let anyone define you, drug addiction is one aspect of your life, a disease you fight each day but by no means who you truely are in your heart.....
I must say that you both struck a chord in me today. I titled my post with the word "junkie" and you know that wasn't right.........Because I know many people who use that term just as you described with pure negativity and disgust.....When my husband talks to me he says, I am a junkie, so I hear it from him, but I should know better than to use it like I did today.
I am sorry if it cause either of you or anyone else on the board any heartache......
And to you Travis well all of you never for one second ever let anyone define you, drug addiction is one aspect of your life, a disease you fight each day but by no means who you truely are in your heart.....
Dog, you crack me up...consistantly.
I never really thought of myself as a junkie. I guess I am.
What I have been really upset about lately is when I decided to quit pills (medically prescribed for a reason) all of a sudden I am considered a freak because I needed a little help to do it. Like with the sub. I am tired of the looks fromt eh pharmacy. Wonder how they treat people picking up herpes meds..
I never really thought of myself as a junkie. I guess I am.
What I have been really upset about lately is when I decided to quit pills (medically prescribed for a reason) all of a sudden I am considered a freak because I needed a little help to do it. Like with the sub. I am tired of the looks fromt eh pharmacy. Wonder how they treat people picking up herpes meds..
Not at all offended by your title of your post. I guess in a sense it was a way to catch the eye. I've been pretty creative with my titles on the heroin board. I notice if you put the word sex on the title you get a lot of onlookers. LOL.
Well any way I hope you have a good day/night.
Not at all offended by your title of your post. I guess in a sense it was a way to catch the eye. I've been pretty creative with my titles on the heroin board. I notice if you put the word sex on the title you get a lot of onlookers. LOL.
Well any way I hope you have a good day/night.
To My Fellow SPODES>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Remember this song??SPODEbody knows Us Better.
Though sometimes we wish people did,
SPODEbody knows Us half as Good as yous.
. Cause Baby we're the Best..
Politically Correct Term taken from the Big Blue SPODE Dictionary......
Meaning: Special People with an Overwhelming Desire for Euphoria...
The Proper meaning and genders of SPODES
#l.SPODE, A Noun..........................denotes a person.......................
#2.SPODES Plural for the Noun denotes more than one..............
#3.SPODER Male Gender " denotes Masculinity....................
#4.SPODET Female Gender " denotes Femininity.........
#5,SPODEYS Bi-Sexual " denotes both Masculine and Feminine
#6.SPODEHO Male Bi " denotes Male h***-sexual...............
#7.SPODEANS Femal Bi " denotes Female h***-sexual.
SPODEISM had No Creed or Color, Does Not descriminate between Rich and Poor,Can Effect any Age, and Can Strike at Any Time...
There are Many Ways to become a SPODE.
And there Is No Proven Way to Eliminate a SPODE,
They have Proven to Be Better Friends than Enemies.
They can sometimes Bite,but Only when Provoked, but this Is Not Fatal...
They seem to have a deminishing effect on the contents of Medicine Cabinets.
They have been spotted around Most Pharmacies as early 6 A.M. and sometimes through the entire night..
Although they are known to be Selfish people, there arealso known for Always being there for a friend in Pain, and Sometimes Even a Stranger...
Although there Pupils are constricted, they have a keen sense of sight, esp. for Brown Medicine Bottles
They have been classified as a Lazy Breed...But this Is Not True..
The road they travel down daily is Long and Treacherous.......
..their struggle to maintain Euphoria is more than Most Would or Could Endure.
You Cannot Always spot a SPODE. They seem to have a way to camaflogue themselves to fit in any crowd, They have Low Friends in High Places. and High Friends in Low Places.
Government Tests have shown that they are World Wide, and the numbers are growing.
There has even been mention of Spodes living on Other Planets.
Although they Can be Modified...There is No Real Cure.
Most SPODES continue to live Well Adjusted Lives Despite all the controversy they receive from both the Media and the Press not to mention the constant nagging of friends and Family..
Much More will be disclosed at a later Date...
Love AND Hugs
Dianna Alias: Queen SPODET.
P.S. . This is National Hug a SPODE Year..
. If you see a SPODE....Hug Him or Her.
. And if You are a SPODE,ask someone to Hug You...
........... These Special and Unique People Need Our Help.....Act Now
Remember this song??SPODEbody knows Us Better.
Though sometimes we wish people did,
SPODEbody knows Us half as Good as yous.
. Cause Baby we're the Best..
Politically Correct Term taken from the Big Blue SPODE Dictionary......
Meaning: Special People with an Overwhelming Desire for Euphoria...
The Proper meaning and genders of SPODES
#l.SPODE, A Noun..........................denotes a person.......................
#2.SPODES Plural for the Noun denotes more than one..............
#3.SPODER Male Gender " denotes Masculinity....................
#4.SPODET Female Gender " denotes Femininity.........
#5,SPODEYS Bi-Sexual " denotes both Masculine and Feminine
#6.SPODEHO Male Bi " denotes Male h***-sexual...............
#7.SPODEANS Femal Bi " denotes Female h***-sexual.
SPODEISM had No Creed or Color, Does Not descriminate between Rich and Poor,Can Effect any Age, and Can Strike at Any Time...
There are Many Ways to become a SPODE.
And there Is No Proven Way to Eliminate a SPODE,
They have Proven to Be Better Friends than Enemies.
They can sometimes Bite,but Only when Provoked, but this Is Not Fatal...
They seem to have a deminishing effect on the contents of Medicine Cabinets.
They have been spotted around Most Pharmacies as early 6 A.M. and sometimes through the entire night..
Although they are known to be Selfish people, there arealso known for Always being there for a friend in Pain, and Sometimes Even a Stranger...
Although there Pupils are constricted, they have a keen sense of sight, esp. for Brown Medicine Bottles
They have been classified as a Lazy Breed...But this Is Not True..
The road they travel down daily is Long and Treacherous.......
..their struggle to maintain Euphoria is more than Most Would or Could Endure.
You Cannot Always spot a SPODE. They seem to have a way to camaflogue themselves to fit in any crowd, They have Low Friends in High Places. and High Friends in Low Places.
Government Tests have shown that they are World Wide, and the numbers are growing.
There has even been mention of Spodes living on Other Planets.
Although they Can be Modified...There is No Real Cure.
Most SPODES continue to live Well Adjusted Lives Despite all the controversy they receive from both the Media and the Press not to mention the constant nagging of friends and Family..
Much More will be disclosed at a later Date...
Love AND Hugs
Dianna Alias: Queen SPODET.
P.S. . This is National Hug a SPODE Year..
. If you see a SPODE....Hug Him or Her.
. And if You are a SPODE,ask someone to Hug You...
........... These Special and Unique People Need Our Help.....Act Now
LMAO Di, but shouldnt #6 and #7 be reversed?
That was funny...thanks.
To the tune of when your a Jet.
When your a spode
your a spode all the way
from your first cigarette
till you throw drugs away
when your a spode
When your a spode
your a spode all the way
from your first cigarette
till you throw drugs away
when your a spode
i love spodes,
spodes love me,
we're a happy family.
with a great big hug from a spoder to a spodet
thats what makes us the spodiest
(ok poor attempt and wrong song)
spodes love me,
we're a happy family.
with a great big hug from a spoder to a spodet
thats what makes us the spodiest
(ok poor attempt and wrong song)
I see a big purple (and annoying as hell) dinasour singing your tune.
Did Barney have a drug problem? I mean the purple teletubby is supposedly gay, and I recently heard SpongeBob is having problems, so I guess even Barney could fall prey to addiction.
I betcha BabyBop was his connection.
I see a big purple (and annoying as hell) dinasour singing your tune.
Did Barney have a drug problem? I mean the purple teletubby is supposedly gay, and I recently heard SpongeBob is having problems, so I guess even Barney could fall prey to addiction.
I betcha BabyBop was his connection.
yeah i'd say you'd seriously need to be altered to do that kind of job, hey how bout the guy from blues clues. now you know that guy aint even right.... heheheh (so glad those days are gone, see what you have to look forward too) hey if you have any music download sites look up sesamea street spelled like that lol its kermit and bigbird getting baked. i thought it was funny anyway.
yeah i'd say you'd seriously need to be altered to do that kind of job, hey how bout the guy from blues clues. now you know that guy aint even right.... heheheh (so glad those days are gone, see what you have to look forward too) hey if you have any music download sites look up sesamea street spelled like that lol its kermit and bigbird getting baked. i thought it was funny anyway.
I dont know about any of them, but I am sure Sugar bear (the spokeperson for super sugar crisp cereal) was definately doing bong hits.........
Kermit and Big Bird could be Cheech and Chong......
I heard Sugar Bear entered rehab, not sure how that turned out though. Hope he gets the help he needs.
Oh, and Shaggy and Scooby......forget about it. They're the headpins.
I heard Sugar Bear entered rehab, not sure how that turned out though. Hope he gets the help he needs.
Oh, and Shaggy and Scooby......forget about it. They're the headpins.
How about the cereal with the frog on honey smacks cereal box. Every time I go food shopping with my girlfriend, I always laugh to myself whenever I pass that box of cereal. (smack.....mmmmm) LOL
redd and tom hahahaha
how bout tigger and eyore? yeah shaggy and scooby dead give in.
how bout tigger and eyore? yeah shaggy and scooby dead give in.