
Hey Stac

I read that your feeling under the weather, and wanted to say I hope you feel better soon.

I remember the first winter after I quit the pills, it seemed like I was constantly getting sick. I think DeNae felt the same way. It seemed like every other week, one of us was coming down with the crud.

Feel better soon, and give Kaylin kisses from me!

Hey michelle,

Thanks so much for thinking of me. I have slept a total of 32 hours in the past 48!
Last night was HORRIBLE again...
But since this morning we've both got a slight more hovering my face over my beautiful toilet. LOL

I sure never had a cough while I was on pills, I know that much!!

Now that i'm up, hubby and kaylin are sleeping. go fig. I'm going to turn on some supersonic hot water and go crawl into the tub.

Love you girl!!
Did the bath help, Stac? Hope you're feeling better fast honey. Love, Lisa
I'll say a prayer for you and your family to feel better!

kaylin and i are both feeling better...minor symptoms left, but I'll make it to work Monday.

That you all for your thoughts.
and YES YES the bath helped!! !!

sweet stacey ~

talk about sleep! i've had this norovirus or some kind of virus for the past several days. now picture this - i've done so much sleeping that a little while ago, i woke and muttered outloud "dang - i've slept all the way through to 7:30 a.m. - why is it so dark outside?" then my mind went racing to the fact that daylight savings time was to change sometime this month (but was too sleepy to give that much thought) and maybe that had something to do with it.

after gingerly walking down the stairs ('cuz i'm old, remember) i walked into the kitchen, poured some orange juice, and started a pot of coffee. my friend was sitting in the living room and said: "sammy - what the heck are you doing?" i told him that I was going to get myself together because i had to go into work early to catch up on what i had missed the two days i was absent this week. he said: "at 7:30 on saturday night?"


sometimes the cheese falls off my cracker, but this time it melted everhwere, and it took me a moment to realize that it was 7:30 p.m - not 7:30 a.m.

love ya baby - good to see you are the mend. i'll turn my yahoo on if you care to chat.


Stacey...I hate being sick and I kow how much harder it is with little ones....feel better soon! Love you, Sharonn

How are you two feeling today?

Morning Sharon!

well thought kaylin was getting better but she just took two steps back within the last minute.

and my throat is getting swollen. GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

good thing you can't transfer sickness online or you'd all be hating life. jk

Awe I feel for you! I am sick too! It sucks...I am hating life right now....and its double when you have a sick little one too.

Hopefully you will feel better soon! I am seriously ready to quit smoking as I have horrible dreams of dying from cancer from smoking and I truly believe it is contributing to my problems!

Rest, lots of about some chicken soup! Don't do anything at all today...if you can help it. Cuddle up with your sweety's and sleep and watch movies....order in take out! Feel better!