Since your thread turned into something less than recovery, I'm starting a new one for you.
Please let us know how you're doing today. I know it seems as though everyone jumped your case but it was well meaning and done with honest feelings for your safety as well as your baby's.
We know what you're going through, kiddo. There isn't one of us on this board that doesn't know how you feel. The desperation and loneliness. We get it.
Please, do the right thing for you and your baby. Get some help anyway you can.
With love and respect,
We are all pulling for you Stacyn.
YES we are sweetie You CAN do this! Don't beat yourself up. We are all here for you through good and bad times. It takes time. Live in the here and now.
I hope when you see this post you respond. I truly didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I was only trying to get you to see that tapering isn't working for you. I was also trying to get you to see that it is best that you stop using now. The withdrawls won't be that bad. Many woman on this board understand what your going through,really! I am 31 years old and have 3 children. I had my youngest at 17. Being pregnant was overwhelming sometimes. You'll see the bigger you get. Your emotional, your body is changing, your tired. Your boyfriend hasn't been the greatest to you in the past few months,whatever. Then you have to deal with addiction on top of all that. I've been there myself. Many of us can relate to your situation. That still doesn't change the bottom line. You still have to quit. No matter if it's now or in 2 weeks. You may as well get it done and over with.
This last time I was pregnant Aug 2003, I didn't know about this board. I would have been here if I did. I spent almost all of my time at
There is a great group of mothers on that board. They have different sites you can go to. Like one that is for teen mothers,first time mothers and a due date club. So if you are due in Nov 05 just look up your (DDC) on that board. There will be lots of woman 10 weeks pregnant that are going through everything you are, right up til the end of pregnancy. They have picture day and a "show your belly" board. Check it out, I know you'll get a lot of needed support and answers on that board. I learned a lot that I didn't know this last time I was pregnant.
With my oldest I was 17 when I had her, so I didn't read a lot about pregnancy.I did with my son in 98. I tried to educate myself a little more at that time.
The point is you CAN DO IT. You can QUIT... You have GOT to WANT IT!!!
If you need to talk my e-mail is
I hope and pray you make the choice to stop using drugs while pregnant. You only have 6-7 months to make the sacrafice, it will go by fast. If anything were to happen God forbid to the baby you wouldn't have the gulit you did something wrong....
That was always my worst fear was is he/she going to have 10 fingers and toes. etc. Just think about all this and keep us posted. We all truly care. If you want to e-mail me everyday during your withdrawl and bit*h me out then that's cool. I can handle it"-) Rae
Ps. The nest 2 posts is some info I found for you to read. I won't say another word about it until you post or e-mail me... I just thought this might be helpful in making your decision..
I hope when you see this post you respond. I truly didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I was only trying to get you to see that tapering isn't working for you. I was also trying to get you to see that it is best that you stop using now. The withdrawls won't be that bad. Many woman on this board understand what your going through,really! I am 31 years old and have 3 children. I had my youngest at 17. Being pregnant was overwhelming sometimes. You'll see the bigger you get. Your emotional, your body is changing, your tired. Your boyfriend hasn't been the greatest to you in the past few months,whatever. Then you have to deal with addiction on top of all that. I've been there myself. Many of us can relate to your situation. That still doesn't change the bottom line. You still have to quit. No matter if it's now or in 2 weeks. You may as well get it done and over with.
This last time I was pregnant Aug 2003, I didn't know about this board. I would have been here if I did. I spent almost all of my time at
There is a great group of mothers on that board. They have different sites you can go to. Like one that is for teen mothers,first time mothers and a due date club. So if you are due in Nov 05 just look up your (DDC) on that board. There will be lots of woman 10 weeks pregnant that are going through everything you are, right up til the end of pregnancy. They have picture day and a "show your belly" board. Check it out, I know you'll get a lot of needed support and answers on that board. I learned a lot that I didn't know this last time I was pregnant.
With my oldest I was 17 when I had her, so I didn't read a lot about pregnancy.I did with my son in 98. I tried to educate myself a little more at that time.
The point is you CAN DO IT. You can QUIT... You have GOT to WANT IT!!!
If you need to talk my e-mail is
I hope and pray you make the choice to stop using drugs while pregnant. You only have 6-7 months to make the sacrafice, it will go by fast. If anything were to happen God forbid to the baby you wouldn't have the gulit you did something wrong....
That was always my worst fear was is he/she going to have 10 fingers and toes. etc. Just think about all this and keep us posted. We all truly care. If you want to e-mail me everyday during your withdrawl and bit*h me out then that's cool. I can handle it"-) Rae
Ps. The nest 2 posts is some info I found for you to read. I won't say another word about it until you post or e-mail me... I just thought this might be helpful in making your decision..
Almost all organs are completely formed by about 8 weeks after fertilization (which equals 10 weeks of pregnancy). The exceptions are the brain and spinal cord, which continue to mature throughout pregnancy. Most malformations occur during the period when organs are forming. During this period, the embryo is most vulnerable to the effects of drugs, radiation, and viruses. Therefore, a pregnant woman should not be given any live-virus vaccinations or take any drugs during this period unless they are considered essential to protect her health (see Pregnancy and Drug Use: Drug Use During Pregnancy).
Development of the Fetus
At the end of the 8th week after fertilization (10 weeks of pregnancy), the embryo is considered a fetus. During this stage, the structures that have already formed grow and develop. By 12 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus fills the entire uterus. By about 14 weeks, the sex can be identified. Typically, the pregnant woman can feel the fetus moving at about 16 to 20 weeks. Women who have been pregnant before typically feel movements about 2 weeks earlier than women who are pregnant for the first time. By about 23 to 24 weeks, the fetus has a chance of survival outside the uterus.
The lungs continue to mature until near the time of delivery. The brain accumulates new cells throughout pregnancy and the first year of life after birth.
Placenta and Embryo at 8 Weeks
At 8 weeks of pregnancy, the placenta and fetus have been developing for 6 weeks. The placenta forms tiny hairlike projections (villi) that extend into the wall of the uterus. Blood vessels from the embryo, which pass through the umbilical cord to the placenta, develop in the villi. A thin membrane separates the embryo's blood in the villi from the mother's blood that flows through the space surrounding the villi (intervillous space). This arrangement allows materials to be exchanged between the blood of the mother and that of the embryo.
The embryo floats in fluid (amniotic fluid), which is contained in a sac (amniotic sac). The amniotic fluid provides a space in which the embryo can grow freely. The fluid also helps protect the embryo from injury. The amniotic sac is strong and resilient.
Opioids: Opioids, such as heroin, methadoneSome Trade Names
, and morphineSome Trade Names
, readily cross the placenta. Consequently, the fetus may become addicted to them and may have withdrawal symptoms 6 hours to 8 days after birth
However, use of opioids rarely results in birth defects. Use of opioids during pregnancy increases the risk of complications during pregnancy, such as miscarriage, abnormal presentation of the baby, and preterm delivery. Babies of heroin users are more likely to be small....
Stacy, I wish you the best throughtout your pregnancy. May God bless you with a beautiful happy,healthy baby. Rae
, and morphineSome Trade Names
, readily cross the placenta. Consequently, the fetus may become addicted to them and may have withdrawal symptoms 6 hours to 8 days after birth
However, use of opioids rarely results in birth defects. Use of opioids during pregnancy increases the risk of complications during pregnancy, such as miscarriage, abnormal presentation of the baby, and preterm delivery. Babies of heroin users are more likely to be small....
Stacy, I wish you the best throughtout your pregnancy. May God bless you with a beautiful happy,healthy baby. Rae
Swetheart if are you are reading our posts please understand we care very much for you! I know things seem a bit overwhelming right now but if you can take the time to let us know how you are that would be great!
Hey Stacy, I might have jumped ya a little bit, but it is because I truly care. You are young, and most of us have children here. Sometimes the younger ones have to be jumped a little to listen. I care for you and your baby, and if I can help you in anyway feel free to email me to vent, cry, whatever..god bless, and big hugs for you, Kim
I have to Ditto everybody else. I have a two year old daughter and she is so special...I would just hate for you to have to live with yourself if something did happen to your baby. You CAN quit and you HAVE to....Please no more weaning just do it cold turkey and get it over with it will be the best decision you could ever make. I can't even begin to explain how important this is...Please make the right choice...THE ONLY CHOICE! Another good baby websight is
that is the one I used and still use...The same group of women have been talking since we found out we were pregnant.
that is the one I used and still use...The same group of women have been talking since we found out we were pregnant.