
Just checking in with you to see how you are doing? I know before I left you were sent to the are now part of the GREAT group of folks who have been sent there......LMAO just kidding

You are in my thoughts

Krazishyone.well now I be chillin' LOL

btw love all the new avitars....time for me to change mine
Hey girl,

yea i was in time out, but i'm out now and trying to stop these devil pills. down to 6, trying to taper.
I actually had a job the other day hooked up by a temp agency and it was going to be the first day with NO PILLS. cause I was out.
I was supposed to be there at 8am and at 4am woke up really sick (coming out both ends , TMI I know sorry) so I couldn't even go, called left a message and no one called me back. They are probably thinking. "screw that, she can't even come her FIRST DAY" so i've been beating my self up over that...

I'm trying I'm trying ... Oh and me and hubby celebrated our 2 year anniv. this past monday. but we're on the verge of strangling each other. Marriage is so fun.

Glad you're back and thanks for asking about me.
Go read my post labeled "Soooooo Sick" and you'll see what I gots lots of catching up to do girl.

Oh and read "Elders" thread. Poopie's been taken to prayer for five days and she'll be going through withdrawl. and Enester/Sue is on her 6th day., much more going on here that I want you caught up on. =)

Happy Friday
Do any of you watch :DOG" the bounty hunter??

I love that show.well I got my pic taken with Sunny. the Samoa guy.....oh my he is huge....there was a group of of boxers........Leland was to show up at our hotel, so I waited all day.but oh was fun to see Sunny.....

I am down to two pills a day. I feel slightly uncomfortable, but also I feel like I am going crazy, because I don't have much of a social life, which is weird because I am an affable person. I gotten to the point where I pretty disgusted with humanity, considering my job as so on. I am like why am I here when I am sexually harassessed and racially discriminated against. I am going to force myself to look for another job, today. I hope you are feeling okay?


It is total BS that you have to deal with that at work daily. It's so unfair. Isn't there a "higher up" that you can go to with these sorts of problems. That is ILLEGAL.

Anyways, I am shaking in my boots about getting off these things. My back has been so much worse lately which just makes me want to keep using. I hate having such bad spasms and back pain when I have to carry around a 33lb kid most of the day.
I'm scared. It does get worse the longer you use and I'm emotionally petrified. Other than that... lol I'm f'ing super.

Aw guys I so feel for you, my heart goes out to you..

Stac I have a bad back myself, with nerve damage and bad disks, so believe me it is hard to stay away from pain pills....I live on aleve.not good for tummy, but I have in my medical records. NO narcs so I can'tr get any from dr, and will not buy off street or the aleve it is.........
Thanks, Chilin and Stacy....
I can't go to the higher ups, because he is as heartless and reptilian as the rest of the lot. I am trying to look at this as a temporary experiment, where I can ultimately beat them at their own game by going bye-bye you can rot in this stinking job. I don't know what it is, but I can either not hold onto a job or I end up quitting. I am sooo tired of the stupidity. Stacy, I know about pain, my abdomen--on and off--is killing me due to Chron's disease. I want to go to a natropathic doctor. Have you ever thought of going to one for your problems?

I don't know what kind of doctor that is...
I have had a Nerve conduction study which is really uncomfortable in itself and it said i do have moderate to severe nerve damage in my lower back.
I went to physical therapy for months and I don't know if it helped too much.

Give me some more info.

Stac, (hiya Traci, & D!)

Sorry, if you've posted this before, but have you had MRI/Ct's done? What caused your injury, or is it degenerative?
I feel so bad for those with chronic pain. My back only goes "out" every so often ( I have neck probs tho') and it hurts to even go potty (or when you finnish potty-ing... if ya KWIM? LOL) I can't imagine your daily suffering with back pain. and having a small child to care for

Girl, you sure have allot of s*** in your life! You know, one way to look at it as this all just proves what fighter/survivor you really are! You just never give up! Kudos to you.
Do you remeber that lady Blys ( I think?) that used to post here too? Do you still keep in contact with her? She & I had-have the same addiction & she also was diagnosed with the same disease my Mom recently was...

Hawaii? Lucky beyotch! LOL joke! (nice way to intro myself hunh? lol)

Good luck to you Stac, Im sure you`ll get through it... Nothing to be freightened of, take it hour to hour then day to day....


Thanks sweets. I've had an MRI done that didn't show crap. But when the NCS was performed, the doctor didn't even have the full results in and he was like "OH, something is wrong" and said he doesn't know why it didn't show up on MRI.
I've also had an xray done that showed I have moderate scholiosis. that's a whole different pain. It's not daily, but it is a pain and is very bothersome when I'm on the go.

I got in a car wreck in 04' when I was 6 months pregnant. Some guy just didn't look before going through the stop sign and smashed into the side on my mom's van. (I was borrowing it cause my car was in the shop) If I would have been in my car it would have been Reeeeal bad. I got lucky and so did my baby girl.

Same thing happened to me, car wreck broke my sternum in half, 3 injured vertabrae still have pain osteopenia, scolliosis I know the pain your going through, it makes life difficult.....
Good morning,

( This is chillin' ..I had blonde moment and forgot my password)

Rach.( BCCHIC)

LMAO Ya I get called a biotch ALOT..........but I am proud of it....

Nice to meet you to............

Hawaii was great..It was a such a suprise cuz my hun went there to work, and then the next day he called me to join was great just to chill........gee now I hear where I had hung out is closed due to sewage spill...yukky
at least when it rained I could sit by the pool and look at the beach.......

Just a thought, before I had my back surgery I had an MRI that did not show a thing wrong with my neck. I finally had the test where they put dye in your spine and they could finally see that I had 3 severely bulging caused my right hand and arm to go numb and go to sleep constantly for 3 years...after surgery I haven't had a problem with it.
How are you doing today? Yes, I am still in contact with Blys. I talk to her on the phone, occasionally. Hope you are all doing okay?

Lots of love,
Stacy, what is the longest you've been off the pills? The reason I ask is because I too have a bad back. What I found was after about 2 1/2 - 3 weeks, my back hurt less and less. I did some research and our brain can make our pain in our body 10 times worse in order to get our drugs. Thats not to say your pain isnt real, because clearly it is. So is mine. But I have found, the longer I stay clean, the more, or more effective I guess would be better, that 800 mg ibuprofen is.

There have been studies and blah blah blah. I didnt believe it, but for me at least its true. There would be times that my back would start to just kill me and I would take some dope and within minutes it would feel better. Far to soon for the medicine to actually be working.

Our brains are a weird scarey place!!

But other than that, your f*&^%$# super???? LOL

Hey kelly

I've gotten up to 2 weeks and then it's just too much for me to handle after that. UGH. I believe you to an extent, but some days are so bad, really NOTHING would help it. Even laying down causes pain, surprisingly it feels better for me to stand than to sit or lay. I'm not suppose to sit for longer than 30 min. at a time so said the physical therapist.

How are you doing Kel??

Who is Blys?? Is your stomach letting up any? I'm sorry.

Blys is a good friend I met on this forum, back before you joined. I still keep in contact with her. Stacey, she is like a sister to me. I love her and I am glad I met her on this forum. She doesn't come to this forum, much anymore, but she does go to other forums. Yeah it's a pain in the a**, my stomach troubles, but I hope to get a colonscopy done, if that cheap clinic does it.

Deirdre - and whoever else was asking - naturopathic physicians are a very good alternative, or complement, to regular M.D's.

My daughter is accepted to one of the four naturopathic medical schools in the country for this fall (although she is re-considering, long story - we have several "real" physicians in our family who are trying to discourage her strongly from pursuing this path.) I am VERY proud of her, but she is going to take some time off to travel overseas this summer and try to sort out her options.

Go to and you'll learn all about these types of doctors. On the west coast, they are much easier to find - not so much in the midwest.
In fact, in Washington State, group health insurance plans have to cover naturopathic doctors just as they would "regular" doctors. They are also cheaper and in general, take more time w/patients since they are usually in private practice and not subject to the "get 'em in and get 'em out" mentality of most HMO physicians.

They are also sometimes called "holistic" practictioners. They try to find natural remedies for what ails us, rather than immediately going to prescription meds or surgery.

I would recommend this to anyone who wants to get a different perspective on their illness, whether physical or mental.