Starting A New Picture Thread, First One Is Kerry

See how Gullable I am,LOL I would believe you built the whole thing yourself it you told me you did.. Are you the one that tore up the basement with a jackhammer when you were using?
Here's another one of Kerry....

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Here are my two youngest sons

Oliver aka Spiderman is 5, Noah aka Superman is 3
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and here is my eldest son James who is 11, I just have to teach him to smile properly

thanks for letting me indulge :)
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Over and over I marvel at the pictures. We simply don't look like addicts, do we?

Kerry, you are a Hawiian beauty!
Can someone tell me how to post a picture in this area? I have photobucket, but it won't let me simply cut and paste.
under the picture where it says URL click on or highlight that URL and copy.
Then use the image button on your message here to paste the URL. hope that helps

those are some very nice looking boys, Silent. You should be proud, and I know you are. Take care, of you,and them. Thanks for sharing them with us.
Mmmmmmmmmm Kerry,I am moving to Hawaii to put some work in on you,only kidding(sort of lol),beautiful lips you have,I noticed the lips because to me Kissing is the best mmmmmm,so intimate and I hope I have not offended you in any way and Im single,so I am not cheating or anything lol,god this being clean really does have some good points ahh,its great to discover some of the good things we have been missing out on,like admiring a lovely lady.
thanks cowgirl...
can you take those out now??
Hey can you post the pic of Kerry again I did not get a chance to see it :)
l like to put faces with names.

Sorry Didi, she asked me to delete it, so it's gone....

Here, I'll give you a visual of her:

She has a great big nose with a wart and hair sticking out of it, she is cross eyed, bald and 10 feet tall.


In reality, she's an island babe.

Cowgirl can email it to you, or I can.
Phantom, why don't you show us yours??
I just might take you up on that stalking offer..