Starting Sub Induction- Any Advice?

I will be starting sub Saturday morning.. Friday will be my last shot of H. I am choosing this weekend becauseI work during the week. I have tried this before and I failed miserably. The subs did not work for me and I still had withdrawals. I'm not sure if they were PWs or just regular withdrawals. All I know from what I have read is that suboxone takes away withdrawals however, That was not the case for me and here I am terrified to try this again,but also know I can't keep living like this. Please help! I need advice, or answers to why the suboxone did not work for me.. I have a couple gabepentin pills and trazadone pills that I am going to take as well. This weekend is my saving Grace, I am such a weak person when it comes to withdrawals. I'm scared I won't be able to do this.

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