Starting Sub

Well some of you may have seen me on here with lots of questions on sub. I asked last night some and had been to another board where lots had been succesful with detoxing off sub in 7 to 10 days. I seen where blondie is going to start. I have the script for it and most of you adviced me to go for it and be lucky I have a doctor that can write the script for it... I am using A..A. and N. A. ,, I was going to start sub today but the recommened 17 to 24 hours before starting got me this morning and I used some 4 -10 mgs loratabs for the day... Tomorrow I have to work and want to get through work with out using so I can start the sub in the evening. I am starting with a low dose 2 mg. wait and hour or so and see how I feel maybe add 2 more mgs. It was suggested on the other board not to exceed 8mgs the first day since this was such a strong drug... Iam scared as I mentioned before.. tomorrow I have been invited to a sweat lodge where I will be sweating every thing in my body out all toxins will leave. I have done this hundered of times when I was in the program of A.A. had four years. Have made it through many sweats.. just a little worried about going into withdrawl right there when every thing leaves my body.... Iam kinda afraid to start the sub before the sweat,,, probalbly should wait till after wards. I live where there is a large American Indian population and this is the real thing traditionally , no new age stuff on this one. The leader is a healer and knows of my usage the last year, 10 to 15 percs a day every day for a year ,,, 7.5mgs, if not able to get those I would use 10 mg loratabs.... I want to use the sub, I don't think I can go cold turkey, even though I have in the past, I am just so deep into it right now. I was sober for those four years thru A.A. and when I relapsed this time ,, I had quit going to meetings ,, praying, talking to my sponser. I have started all of that again, am going to meetings, no alcohol , just trying to get off these pills... Dang, I so confused in what to do any more.... The 17 to 24 hours before starting sub. seems to get me every time I try to start it. I usually get strong cravings in 10 hours... Iam so mad at myself allowing myself to get in this situation. I have a good job, family and life... Iam just an addict stuck right now. I feel Iam at the cross roads,,, I forgot how to use God , and the program to get through a day with out using, how not to overreact to situations, When sober for the four years I prayed daily for Gods will to be done and was growing so much till this relapse... I know I have repeated a lot of this on here and some of you are probably tired of seeing me post my same fears over and over. As my sponser says,,, its a program of action get up and do something... I just can't seem to do anything except chase a pill....I believe the sub if I could get on it would get me over the w/d and I could use my support system to try to stay clean again. If I could just get seven days clean i think I would be on my way. I just needed some where to vent my thoughts...So , Iam glad this board is here....Iam trying to find something to get me thru the 17 to 24 hours before starting sub. the Sweat lodge will for sure get a lot out of my body. I just don't know what to expect about anything. My body is probably going to freak out.... I could start the sub after it, I guess....Anyone got any input?
takasha..i am about to try subutex also..i hope we can stay intouch to see how we are each doing...i take lortab 10 mg also..about 10 aday..please let me know if you have started yet and hows it going.
Takasha..Dont be scared...And listen to your body, it will tell you what the right dose is..Good luck and BE STRONG!!
Once you are in mild withdrawal you can safely start the sub. Don't wait start now and you'll be surprised how much better you feel. Not stoned, just OK.
I wish you well.
dear takesha I have been on sub If I can help please let me know Good Luck,,,mj
Thanks everyone, I will keep you posted ,, Iam so tired of the hustling for pills, its such a small town every one talks to much you know and I have a high profile job. I always worried about that. I think i will wait till after the sweat lodge tommorow night I have enough tabs to get me through work tomrrow. Iam know my addiction just don' t want to let go, the depression when I stop for 10 hours or more seems so intense compared to when I got clean four years ago. I worked through it with the program and God and my sponser. I am just a lot more scared this time for some reason,, I think the percs really are casuing the depression and Iam sure it will be temp. Iam hoping anyway...Going to an A.A. meeting tonight I know a lot of people have problem with A.A being an addict but Iam first am a alcoholic and I seem to have and undestanding that both are addictions. When I relpased this time I started drinking again to, but have stopped that some how, just going to meeting I guess and know its what I needed to do the craving for it is pretty much gone. The pills just are kicking my tush all over the place, I guess the opiates are in my cells and just want more. When I got sober the first time I was using demerol with alcohol and was able to get through it.
So, I will be at about 24 hours clean from sweating Sat. morning will start the sub then starting out on small dose and go from there. I have read to be clean 17 to 24 hours before starting sub if Iam not at 24 hours I think the sweat is going to get everything out of my body that night so it might not be 24 hours but close but I think everything will be out where it will be safe to start sub. My hopes are 7 to 10 days detox and using all of my support system I can maintain soberity one day at a time... I am glad you guys are here, its gives me a place to get some of this fear out and I know alot of you know what Iam talking about with the depression and fears. Like I said eariler, I just seem to have forgotten how to use God and the program to stay sober, my hopes are once detoxed and during the sub treatment I will be doing a lot of praying and going to meetings. I believe in the 12 step process, Iam a spirtiual person and am educated in all types of wellness ideas , nutrition , acupunture, and am educated about addiction. My family is puzzled why they know I am educated about it all but am still suffering with this disease. So , am I. I believe in totally turning my life ove to my higher power and did for a long time I started resting on my laurels which the program suggest we not do..... big mistake... Thanks for your replys makes me feel better having an outlet...God , I hope I can get off this crap, I have a great job, and beautiful seven year old daughter that I adore and she deserves for me to be clean and sober....If you don't mind those of you that are spirtual can I ask that you say a prayer for me in getting clean, safely through this. I pray for all those still suffering each day. This is such a powerful, cunning,baffling disease. I wish there was an easy way out but I know there is not, I have to go through the pain, depression, etc. I will keep you posted on my progess. I also sufffer with hyperthyroid which causes a lot of smilar symptoms as someone detoxing, some depression, anxiety, tremors, So, I got a couple battles going on, I need to check with my Sub doc to make sure the anti-thyroid drugs I take will be o.k with the sub... Any advice on the depression that is coming, man its tough, Iam taking 5 Htp which is suppose to help with that according to the naturalpathic doctor I went to. He has me on some other remides to help with the stress on my body. I know this disease can take everything from us and will me if I don't get it arrested one day at a time. Thanks to you all for your replys, I live alone and sometimes it gets pretty lonely here glad the board is here.
Thanks the careful about the sweat thing...i have read in the past...don't remember where, that if your detoxing you should be really might want to run that by your doc. or people here...i have heard that green tea, grape seed extract, messages and things like that are safe to get the crap out of your system safely..oh and...lots of water mixed with squeezed won't believe how much you pee after...good luck and keep me informed...rick