Can I consider remaining a friend of someone who is in serious addiction (cocaine and heroin)?
I am afraid I was an unwitting facilitator by giving money to pleas for medications, etc. Now that I know about the addiction, I want to be helpful and remain a friend if I can.
(I am still kicking myself for being so stupid and not seeing the light earlier. I feel responsible.)
The friend has a good home partner who manages the money, etc. I can support the partner OK. I just wonder if it is possible to stay friends with the person. A track record of lies and bad-check writing are in the picture. That is what I meant by "serious".
Yes, of course I can't yield to pleas for money. I think I can manage the "lying" business successfully now. My friend has been in rehab in recent months and has expressed a desire to fight addiction (I've just been told).
alternative: avoid the person and concentrate on supporting the home partner. That's not really what I want.
ernie can I suggest that if you want to be friends with an addict that you use Al Anon or Nar Anon to get a full understanding of the disease of addiction. It is very easy to take on the thinking of an addict and I am sure you would benefit from these groups, as I have.